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school uniforms
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school uniforms
February 12, 2013 9:03:54pm
    Post: #1 
school uniforms
how do you think about school uniforms? i am curious how other people from different countries think about it, i think i am lucky living in a country where you don not have to wear school uniforms

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February 12, 2013 10:08:37pm
    Post: #2 
Well in Australia... it is very serious, there is to be
-no jewelry
-no piercings (i have to take mine out)
-no ipods/phones
and you can get expelled on the spot for a fight or saying the "f" word

other then that our uniform is very weird.. its just navy blue with grey pants, i hate it
because i prefer black clothing ^.^


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February 12, 2013 10:41:03pm
    Post: #3 
I hate my uniforms and dress code. It cost more money buying uniforms and out of school clothes and it makes every practically look alike so it's boring :\

My school:
- White , black , stone , gold , forest green polo.
- Khakis or black pants.
- Belt if belt loop.
- Shirts tucked in.

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February 12, 2013 10:58:12pm
    Post: #4 
Omg i hated having uniforms -.- especially because they were so restricting "TUCK IN YO SHIRTS!" ughh

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 13, 2013 12:10:19am
    Post: #5 
I have uniforms in my school, obviously since I go to a private Christian school.
There is a dress code, no Piercings, No gum, Jewelry for guys, no logos, no hats.
But we just need to wear a Polo : Red, Black, Gray, White, and Pink for the girls
Yeah, I'm used to wearing "uniforms" :/

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February 13, 2013 1:25:31am
    Post: #6 
Wearing school uniform hmm I guess I dont really like. Mainly because I like to wear casual more and uniforms are just useless unless we wear it at special school days or something
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February 13, 2013 1:48:11am
    Post: #7 
that's what ours WAS like 1dogzilla :P except we had to wear a belt and tuck our shirt in
-.- our teacher would loan girly belts to all who forgot theirs...

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 13, 2013 2:23:51am
    Post: #8 
^_^, How did that go?,
You dont need a belt of anything in my school,
You just need the polo.
And Why did you need to tuck in your shirt and wear a belt? Was urs a privat school too?
See, My principle had rules that we did need to wear a belt and tuck in our shirts but that was over 10 years ago.

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February 13, 2013 2:29:07am
    Post: #9 
Well on my elementary and highschool.
We did have a requirements like this:
White Polo
Khaki pants
Black leather shoes(but in my fourth year I didn't wear my Black leather shoes. I always wear brown rubber shoes.)
White socks
Shirts tucked in also.
and most important the ID. xD
Now in my current school it's just the
School's Polo and pants
Black leather shoes.
But now I'm currently wearing it only in Mondays and Fridays since I don't have classes in thursday and tuesday
and Wednesday we can wear civilian attire :D

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February 13, 2013 2:39:51am
    Post: #10 
i hate school uniforms, you can express what you like to wear or anything, and there no variety, everyone looks the same.
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February 13, 2013 2:42:25am
    Post: #11 
But I think only school uniforms is the only way to determine what school you are in and the saddest part is that we must follow it.

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February 13, 2013 2:44:18am
    Post: #12 
i agree, at my school we pay to go there. so i think if we pay, we should be able to wear the cloths we want to wear
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February 13, 2013 2:50:40am
    Post: #13 
Yeah I think so too. We do not pay for the uniforms. We pay to gain knowledge and have our skills sharpen in our school.
I think uniforms definitely has nothing to do except to determine which school you are.

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February 13, 2013 2:52:48am
    Post: #14 
yea i agree with brys18 100% were just paying for the advanced teaching of that school, not strict dress code
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February 13, 2013 3:11:27am
    Post: #15 
Yeah. But I don't have a bad ideas or against on school. I do respect that they will require a uniform. It's their rule. We are enrolled there
and must follow it(really the saddest part for me xD)
It's just that I sometimes hate wearing school uniforms.

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