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school uniforms
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school uniforms
February 13, 2013 5:02:48am
    Post: #31 
D: you have to pay?! we were smart students and made paper towel belts if we forgot :P. new "fashion" teachers couldn't complain lol
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February 13, 2013 5:52:14am
    Post: #32 
We do that to, but the teacher see it and then make us go pay. Its so strict.
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February 13, 2013 6:22:22am
    Post: #33 
lol really? we make ours look real legit though :P
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February 13, 2013 6:50:51am
    Post: #34 
lol! At my class one time. When my teacher inspected the our socks and found out that I didn't wear all white(since it has half black). The teacher made me pay for a certain amount of money. xD

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February 13, 2013 6:54:42am
    Post: #35 
I'm lucky now, I'm in a college where there is no uniform, it's wear what you want.
But when I was in high school, I HATED it. People were trying to undo their ties, undo top buttons, without the teachers seeing. It was hilarious.
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February 13, 2013 7:03:54am
    Post: #36 
Your college is good. In our college school we still have school uniforms.
But it's better compared to highschool xD

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February 13, 2013 8:46:10am
    Post: #37 
I think school must wear proper uniform because it represents the school name anything about that student but it is better if we can wear outside dress

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February 13, 2013 12:11:10pm
    Post: #38 
Wow i did not realise so many people have to wear uniforms, i would die if i could not wear my slayer t shirt to school. Why do the teachers make it so hard to let you show just a little bit lf yourself? That is in my opinion not fair

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February 13, 2013 12:21:35pm
    Post: #39 
to honest in sri lanka we wear white shirt with school badge and white trousers with black shoes and they are very stict in our descipline

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February 13, 2013 12:36:57pm
    Post: #40 
to be honest i also hate uniforms and soo strict rules no phone (cant even show my friends my smartphone :/) , no ipod etc .

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February 13, 2013 12:41:44pm
    Post: #41 
In my country , There is not a single school that doesnt have an uniform. I hate my uniform , Plain Gray with Reddish pants, Ugh o.o

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February 14, 2013 4:01:44pm
    Post: #42 
Well, I'd put forward a point hidden behind the "uniform" conspiracy. It is good that school's have uniforms. There are, as we already know, many poor people in the world who can not afford clothing. The good thing about school uniforms is that a poor person can buy a few pairs and use them for much time. It is less costly, I think.

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February 14, 2013 4:03:51pm
    Post: #43 
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February 16, 2013 7:37:01am
    Post: #44 
teuntj1badb3 i am not as lucky as u, where i lived all people need to wear school uniform to prove that u are form this sch

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February 16, 2013 7:43:43am
    Post: #45 
there is a big history before the uniforms
when the schools were first made,the rich and the poor used to go together
the rich were used to be disgusted by seeing the poor's cloths
and used to maintain a distance from them
so the staff suggested about the uniforms
and hence the uniforms were produced
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