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Worst Possible Death?
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Worst Possible Death?
March 17, 2013 6:46:57am
    Post: #106 
Drowning is definitely a hard way to die. A shark attack would also be hard, as the shark would rip each of your limbs off one at a time.
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March 17, 2013 8:37:31am
    Post: #107 
Hmm would dying of a disease that slowly killed you, then getting stabbed by many needles a bad death?
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March 17, 2013 8:43:07am
    Post: #108 
I know some pretty crazy ways of dying from years of unrestricted History classes. For some reason I always ended up with teachers that didn't spare you the details. Most of these won't be appropriate for kids, because this is the type of thing that can scar you for life, so I'll keep it light.

I don't know if you can die from this one but I bet it hurts like hell. In Vietnam, they tortured American soldiers this way to get them to give away information such as bombing run coordinates, camp areas and all that, as well as some of the Vietnamese doing it because they hated the Americans in their country.

So #2, take a toothpick/sharp little metal thing and slide it all the way in underneath the fingernail or other areas that sharp things hurt. See #1 below.

#1 only applies to men. Don't make me say any more.

#3 was common in medieval Japan I believe, but everyone had to always appear calm and composed, it's called saving face. If you ever lost your temper, you were forced to commit suicide by knife (don't want to go into details to spare any kids that may be reading) and they generally ended up lying in pain, bleeding out for up to 15 minutes. Also Sati, Seppuku and Bushido are all forced suicide. Sati is where a woman is forced to sacrifice her life if the husband dies first to prevent her from going with any still living men. Seppuku/Bushido is where soldiers that commit any unfavorable acts (leading up to the Dishonorable Discharge in the US Military) are forced to use knives in their suicide similar to those who 'lost face.'

Seriously, is there anything worse than #1 and #2? As for painful deaths, I imagine the most painful would be the knife dragging as above. I probably wouldn't mind burning alive. But then again, I've burnt myself many times and have become somewhat masochistic with it (but not extensively).

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March 17, 2013 1:56:36pm
    Post: #109 
i think its drowning imagine trying to get up but cant ur breath going down each second until all u see is black and die

Training 20/b
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March 17, 2013 2:12:22pm
    Post: #110 
bieng decapatated or gun down infront of my parents, family and friends .___.

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me deal with it....steez
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March 19, 2013 8:26:22am
    Post: #111 
March 17, 2013 4:43:07amGuardPatroller Wrote:   I know some pretty crazy ways of dying from years of unrestricted History classes. For some reason I always ended up with teachers that didn't spare you the details. Most of these won't be appropriate for kids, because this is the type of thing that can scar you for life, so I'll keep it light.

I don't know if you can die from this one but I bet it hurts like hell. In Vietnam, they tortured American soldiers this way to get them to give away information such as bombing run coordinates, camp areas and all that, as well as some of the Vietnamese doing it because they hated the Americans in their country.

So #2, take a toothpick/sharp little metal thing and slide it all the way in underneath the fingernail or other areas that sharp things hurt. See #1 below.

#1 only applies to men. Don't make me say any more.

#3 was common in medieval Japan I believe, but everyone had to always appear calm and composed, it's called saving face. If you ever lost your temper, you were forced to commit suicide by knife (don't want to go into details to spare any kids that may be reading) and they generally ended up lying in pain, bleeding out for up to 15 minutes. Also Sati, Seppuku and Bushido are all forced suicide. Sati is where a woman is forced to sacrifice her life if the husband dies first to prevent her from going with any still living men. Seppuku/Bushido is where soldiers that commit any unfavorable acts (leading up to the Dishonorable Discharge in the US Military) are forced to use knives in their suicide similar to those who 'lost face.'

Seriously, is there anything worse than #1 and #2? As for painful deaths, I imagine the most painful would be the knife dragging as above. I probably wouldn't mind burning alive. But then again, I've burnt myself many times and have become somewhat masochistic with it (but not extensively).

Strange but true, I guess...
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March 19, 2013 8:27:35am
    Post: #112 
Another one would be dying without friends or family to say goodbye...
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March 29, 2013 7:31:14pm
    Post: #113 
Being tortured to death it would be extremely painfully

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March 30, 2013 2:36:22pm
    Post: #114 
In those 007 movies, the laser-on-metal-table-will-cut-you-in-two thing must be painful.
Or maybe if a tiger chomping your neck...
And Jesus' crucifixion in the Bible... Really gruesome.

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April 05, 2013 2:55:46am (This post was last modified: April 05, 2013 3:09:41am by gavynray123.)
    Post: #115 
Worst Possible Death?
I find that all death is equal, because no matter how you die, you're still dead. I mean, you could be poisoned, suffocated, died peacefully in your sleep, or beat to death, but whichever happens, once again, you're still dead. Oh, but there are a few deaths I find horrifying: #1. Death by lightning strike. #2. Death by lava. #3. Being stoned to death ( if you don't know what that is, it's something that used to be part of Israel's ancient Biblical law; if someone does something against the Ten Commandments I think it was, the people throw rocks at them until they die.) #4. Being crushed by a giant boulder, like the one from Indiana Jones (copyright infringement not intended.) And finally, #5. I saw a way to die on a show, this would be the most crappy way to die; accidently going into a carwash and maintenance being performed and you run around blind, walk backwards, and BAM! You puncture a whole in your skull with something that ejects air. That's not all; your head pops like a balloon due to the air inflating it. Thank this comment if I prove a point please.

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April 05, 2013 6:12:09pm
    Post: #116 
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April 14, 2013 11:23:35am
    Post: #117 
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April 15, 2013 2:21:00am (This post was last modified: April 15, 2013 2:26:11am by Mango Dolphin.)
    Post: #118 
Worst Possible Death?
March 19, 2013 4:27:35amAnarchy Wrote:  Another one would be dying without friends or family to say goodbye...

*slowly claps*

You, sir, are the most right person in this forum. It beats even my suggestion.

Suffering from all of the worlds diseases at once, while burning to death in lava, eating ten pounds of lit dynamite, drowning in the lava, drinking lava, fighting a bear-squid-tyrannosaurus rex-icorn and a giant blue whale that are both fire-proof, having all cancers imaginable, being shocked by a lightning bolt eighty million types, working hard in a salt field, losing your breath slowly on top of Mount Everest, being tortured badly by tormenters, and being r*ped, s*xed, stabbed, murdered, dehydrated, and kicked with cleets by your loved ones. *inhales* Also, being killed by the Nazi, having children with Osama Bin Laden, battling armies around the world by yourself, doing a surgery on yourself, playing with piranhas, and being squeezed by anacondas and boa constrictors. Also being stung by all bees and wasps known to man while attached to lit fireworks, being skinned alive, burning in yourself and burning alive literally, while drowning in water without being female or having a shiny in Pokemon nor experiencing it, and being stabbed by needles.

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

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April 18, 2013 9:36:53pm
    Post: #119 
being torture till death . burning might be hurtful but torture is the most. i learned in my history class there is different torture some is whipping to dead, hanging to dead or the one that is they will make them drink you water till your stomach bloat and jump to your stomach and make the water like a fountain. many to this torture died in our country.
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April 19, 2013 10:04:23am
    Post: #120 
I could probably think up some gruesome, complex way, but I'll just say burning.

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