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Worst Possible Death?
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Worst Possible Death?
April 20, 2013 3:42:25am
    Post: #121 
If you tried to do my suggestion... I'm pretty sure you'd already be dead. Why? Either you'd run out of oxygen, or your whole body would be ripped apart from doing all of them at once.

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

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April 20, 2013 3:46:11am
    Post: #122 
ok so im dead now

I've found my ghost after it ran to the Graveyard. GHOST
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April 20, 2013 3:48:16am
    Post: #123 
being tortured. i would scream to death

I've found my ghost after it ran to the Graveyard. GHOST
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April 25, 2013 8:35:32pm
    Post: #124 
I would rather be killed outright, even if I didn't know it was coming, than be painfully poked, stabbed or non mortally shot. I would rather die instantly than have it be prolonged for days or even weeks and be in pain. Torture is my number one, my number two has to be burned to death. And my number third has to be drowning all threes prolong the pain so I just want to die as fast as possible.

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May 30, 2013 11:36:25pm
    Post: #125 
Torture because the reason is to inflict pain so it hurt a whole lot obviously
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May 31, 2013 7:04:14am
    Post: #126 
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May 31, 2013 9:42:51pm
    Post: #127 
I'd say being tortured to death... since it could have both burning and drowning in it...
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June 02, 2013 9:56:51am
    Post: #128 
I too pick being tortured to death... specially the way they torture people in the old days... that's just... painful in every possible way... O_o
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June 02, 2013 12:44:46pm
    Post: #129 
death from sorrow!

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June 03, 2013 8:56:23pm
    Post: #130 
In my opinion, 5 of the worst deaths would be: ( I couldn't do just 5)
Drowning to death. I've thought about this one quite a lot, and I really don't like the thought of it, even more so than burning.
Burning to death.
Dying of thirst.
Dying of hunger.
Dying of forced labor.

Psyduck. Psyduck. Psyduck.
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June 06, 2013 12:49:32pm (This post was last modified: June 06, 2013 12:51:05pm by Akari177.)
    Post: #131 
Worst Possible Death?
Torture would be the worst of the three. Sure burning to death hurts but after the nerves are dead you don't feel anything. Drowning is suffocation with water. Torture is varied, and either gruesome or mind breaking. the first two you just die. The third one you not only die but can lose your mind while at it. I have read some gruesome tortures. In Medieval era they would saw a person in half. Thumbscrews were a common torture device as well. Imagine the drilling through every joint in your body. I shudder to think. Over in the east they would tie a person down and hang a pail of water over their head. There would be a tiny hole that would drip water on you. They would leave you like that for days on end. Slowly the dripping water would drive you insane. torture could be either physical or mental. Both are horrible and both can lead a person to death.

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June 06, 2013 9:27:52pm
    Post: #132 
That thing that's inserted between your finger and your fingernail. *shivers*

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

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June 07, 2013 1:36:56am
    Post: #133 
for me, i think would be skydiving without a parachute. You know ur gonna die, yet u have to suffur the time it take for u to reach the ground.
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June 13, 2013 10:41:39am
    Post: #134 
being soaked in oil, then tiedto a wooden stake and surrounded by wood, then having the wood around me set on fire while i am not able to stop it, slowly roasting me till the fire touches the oil and sets me on fire, and having me scream until my organs are burned and destroyed and i am dead, that would be the worst type of death
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June 13, 2013 11:48:34am
    Post: #135 
Being chopped alive
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