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What Do you think
May 28, 2013 9:09:40am
    Post: #16 
i am pretty sure that none who exists in this world till today will ever witness the end of world may any rumors spread
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September 18, 2013 11:04:25am
    Post: #17 
i dont think they ment anything i think it was just the last year they can pradict that will come and not the end of the world if it was we would not be here

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September 18, 2013 1:43:44pm
    Post: #18 
Well i don't think it meant the n of the world but i new change for the world if that is bad or good which really i think is bad no money no jobs prices on the rise more and all that stuff i know it sounds silly but look how bad things are getting and gonna get
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September 18, 2013 2:25:06pm
    Post: #19 
im pretty sure that it was just inferred it would end because thats when the myan calender ended, but infact it was the start of the new age which they had predicted
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September 18, 2013 9:23:32pm
    Post: #20 
i agree with mikehappy, and they probably just have this calendar so to keep it running for every 5000 years, that's why it just ends, because it's goonna start from the beginning again
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September 18, 2013 10:29:16pm
    Post: #21 
it didnt really mean the end of the world. ive heard they just ran out of room to write calendar so people thought thats the day it would end. i think the world will end when all resources have been used up but by that time we probably would have a solution to it
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September 18, 2013 10:31:06pm
    Post: #22 
i think it wasnt about the world would end i would guess more of their religion back then and though something was going to happen that they wanted too thats just what i think lots think that world would end though

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