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Just Talk!
March 17, 2013 4:37:15pm
    Post: #16 
Environment as in animals. i think that we shouldn't hunt unless its for food and we're in desperate need for food

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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March 17, 2013 4:41:17pm
    Post: #17 
hunting : it's awsome i love hunting but it against the government rules . we should avoid hunting . instead of hunting we should protect birds !
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March 17, 2013 5:36:16pm
    Post: #18 
Obviously it should be enforced , but hunting for small entertainment and food Is perfectly fine
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March 18, 2013 3:51:13am
    Post: #19 
I don't think hunting matters much compared to what those big corporations like Tyson do with animals. If you've seen movies or documentaries like Food Inc., you'll know what I'm talking about.

Let's think about it as a profit-driven food organization would. Take an animal, stuff it full of chemicals and growth hormones, and what do you get? 3x the meat on that animal. It won't be able to move, but who cares? Sell the animal to the slaughterhouse and get paid 3x more. Repeat with millions of animals (cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, any animals for food) and get many millions. Feed them cheap, garbage food that keeps them fat but kills them in a matter months and we're golden as long as we send it off before the food kills it. This isn't against any government rules, and is much worse than hunting.

Hunting is a problem of its own, killing off the rare, endangered, and conclusively extinct animals, absolutely, I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm just saying our own life expectancies are shortening due to the love of profit (and the need for food) and since these organizations aren't going to quit any time soon, the beautiful animals won't be the only ones going extinct. There isn't even much data on life expectancy for this generation (born 1992 and after), because it's happening now. I mean, you have stories going about kids age 5 eating burgers and dying (rare but true) but we won't know that this might cause us to die at 30. I say this because I had an attractive young teacher last semester whose 28 and is old enough to have had meat before they started using all of these chemicals.

As for hunting, give three men beer and guns and something's going to die.

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March 18, 2013 6:20:36am (This post was last modified: March 18, 2013 6:23:03am by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #20 
Just Talk!
We are all guilty of hunting,we eat the animals and stuff.Now hunting is for our survival and due to our massive population,we can't help it.Some people go to bed hungry every week,dying most likely before 1-4 weeks.

Now we get lots of money selling these though,because it's something everyone needs.Nobody really cares if its got random chemicals in it,or fat and stuff.Nobody cares at all,they just know that they bought it,it tastes good,and it's greasy.See,that's the problem these days.If it's not greasy,you can't eat it.That's why there's so much obesity in the world,that's why they made a TV show about it.

Hunting is bad for animals too.Sometimes,people or other animals kill the animals and then waste it.Why the heck did you kill it then?Those Food Incs. do hunt,or they buy from hunters,otherwise how did they get them animals?(unless they're fake,another thing that's bad)Now if you've seen what they do to animals in China,you'd definitely say that hunting should be stopped.Hunting animals,killing animals,just for their skins?Even worse,killing them alive?It's not just those wild animals,it's with anything that has comfortable fur,including dogs and cats.Heck,these animals are like us,only they're not killing their selves.Tigers are going extinct,they made it illegal to hunt them,but you know what?THEY STILL DO IT.The pharmacies get this stuff from the tiger's bones and sell it,and it's bad for you.Then they're refusing to have off-spring,which is more worse because of their decreasing population.So hunting is bad,all ways around,no questions asked.

Everyday,something has to die.It's a rule-free world,and it's survival of the fittest.Nobody said life would be fair,but this is just ridiculous.

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March 18, 2013 6:56:12am
    Post: #21 
Since the foraging adaptation has provided the material basis for over 99% of hominid existence and it has strongly affected the social, psychological, and behavioral characteristics of humans, hunter-gatherers play crucial roles in our ideas about the nature of humanity. This course offers an intensive examination of human foraging societies, emphasizing their full range of diversity Specific topics include foraging and human evolution, population regulation (or the myth thereof), demography, foraging strategies, settlement pattern, variation in social organization, kinship and marriage, relations between the ****es, and problems of contemporary hunter-gatherers.
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March 18, 2013 7:06:25am
    Post: #22 
Most of the deer hunting in Scandinavia is by hunters driving the game towards other hunters posted in strategic locations in the terrain, though there is also a fair bit of stalking
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March 19, 2013 7:34:42pm
    Post: #23 
So, endangered species is fine. But the argument of who is right or who is wrong in my opinion is... Everything on this planet is given a chance if it can't overcome the challenge it is facing then the inevitable must prevail
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March 24, 2013 7:07:08pm
    Post: #24 
I have owned guns. I sold them when my wife and I began a family. I am not going to give a child of mine an excuse in my home to show off or misgandle a weapon even though training may prevent that.
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March 31, 2013 6:33:33am
    Post: #25 
Attention! New topic, please take the time to read it when you can.

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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April 03, 2013 6:11:06am
    Post: #26 
If you research some in to this, the polar cap shrinks and expands randomly throughout the year and seems to almost mimic our sun's solar pattern. Also, since the earth rotates in such an odd way, the polar caps are never in the exact same spot for more than a few minutes. The cap has been melting and re-freezing for billions of years and will probably continue to do so for a few million more (the amount of fuel the sun has is estimated to last about 5 million more years). The earth does get closer to the sun every day and gains about 1 degree F every hundred years. Also, the idea that CO2 is bad is kinda like saying plant food is bad, since every plant that exists needs carbon from CO2 to feed off of.

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April 15, 2013 3:18:53pm
    Post: #27 
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April 15, 2013 3:19:45pm
    Post: #28 
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April 17, 2013 1:49:46pm
    Post: #29 
Well all I know right now is the polar shift the earth is experiencing for the first time and some scientists think that that's the reason for some ecological problems... now that the magnetic field gets weaker everytime the polarities move, that's actualy one reason for global warming, since more solar energy goes through earth's magnetic field...

I'm guessing after the polar shift, earth will begin to be more colder. that's all I can think of right now :)

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April 18, 2013 10:48:19pm
    Post: #30 
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