
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < How do you want to die?
How do you want to die?
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How do you want to die?
March 18, 2013 8:25:00pm (This post was last modified: April 05, 2013 2:37:51am by gavynray123.)
    Post: #1 
How do you want to die?
Personally, I don't care how I die, whether I'm tortured, poisoned, shot, dying peacefully in my sleep. I don't care how I die, even if someone beats and tortures the crap out of me, because, I'm a Christian, so I'm going to Heaven; Heaven's waiting for me. How would you rather die?

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March 18, 2013 9:00:09pm
    Post: #2 
i don't really care either that is why i am signing in to the army after i am done with school so i can do right and if i die i die doing something to change the world but i would like to stay alive longer to spend more time with the girl and people i love and care about

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March 18, 2013 9:06:15pm
    Post: #3 
The best way to die has got to be dying peacefully in your sleep in old age, but I suppose any quick death is okay, whether it's a shot or heart attack. It also is admirable to die doing something you love, or protecting someone, like the Newtown teachers.
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March 19, 2013 6:57:46pm
    Post: #4 
I think the way for me to die would be to die instantly. I would hope for global destruction or something similar.
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March 20, 2013 4:56:42am
    Post: #5 
I'd rather die sleeping,because I am not one to underestimate the idea of death,the subject of death,blood,or anything really violent,makes me start to hyper-ventolate.

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March 20, 2013 10:13:45am
    Post: #6 
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March 20, 2013 2:36:11pm
    Post: #7 
Id like to die surrounded by my family and loved ones peacefully because of age i think that is the best then being tortured etc

Training 20/b
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March 20, 2013 9:35:01pm
    Post: #8 
Quietly and painlessly. preferably with loved ones by my side :). i'd hate to burn to death *shiver
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March 21, 2013 1:08:03pm
    Post: #9 
I wanna die queitly...

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March 21, 2013 1:17:44pm
    Post: #10 
I want to die at war. It would be cool & awesome :3
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March 22, 2013 1:48:58pm
    Post: #11 
I would be most comfortable dying in my sleep or by cyanide. Or jump off one of the tallest objects in the world.

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March 23, 2013 7:29:04am
    Post: #12 
I would prefer not to die, but being a human its inevitable. I'd say when im old and have lived a happy life.
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March 23, 2013 8:20:10am
    Post: #13 
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March 23, 2013 12:31:28pm
    Post: #14 
I'd die in my sleep. Or I'd shoot my self.

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March 23, 2013 9:31:51pm
    Post: #15 
I'd like to die peacefully, with my family surrounding me, and to know that I did good to the world.

Tis I, Mango Dolphin! Suggester of Roleplays and Roleplay Master! Sort of.

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