
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < How do you want to die?
How do you want to die?
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How do you want to die?
May 15, 2013 7:24:20am
    Post: #46 
If I'll die, I want to die without having regrets in my life.
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May 15, 2013 8:14:19am
    Post: #47 
I'll die in my sleep, without having to go to hospital and all, like my grandpa, without bothering anyone.
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May 15, 2013 9:20:07am
    Post: #48 
im not afraid of death i just wanna die peacefully thinking of god...without any trouble or strain
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May 15, 2013 1:11:04pm
    Post: #49 
I'd want to die peacefully, hopefully due to old age. If not, a quick, sure death would be nice, to not cause more pain for myself and my family. ;x
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May 15, 2013 1:52:26pm
    Post: #50 
I wanna die quickly something sudden for me to not feel pain but i wish that wouldnt die yet until i fullfill my goal

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soooooooocute W.W
thanx to those who gave me +1 and +3
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May 15, 2013 1:54:08pm (This post was last modified: May 15, 2013 1:55:39pm by assiren.)
    Post: #51 
How do you want to die?
Nvm this ...

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soooooooocute W.W
thanx to those who gave me +1 and +3
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May 16, 2013 10:35:51am
    Post: #52 
with my eyes
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May 16, 2013 11:37:26am
    Post: #53 
I would die protecting something because this world is at the verge of destroying a lot of things. If I got shot, I might feel pain, but at least I will show respect for this world. Being stabbed? I think I would freak out for a while, until I finally bleed out and die. How will you die, if you had to die?

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Credit To Youtubers Sigmarider4971 and SonicWave1000 for The Pokemusic and to whoever created the pokemon creed banner.
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May 16, 2013 1:44:55pm
    Post: #54 
I don't really care how i die...the only difference is that i'm no christian and don't really believe in heaven xD
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May 27, 2013 9:12:20pm
    Post: #55 
I'm not afraid of death, and I know if I die I will go to a better place. But to chose how I die, I guess I wouldn't mind dying to save the person who means the most to me
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May 27, 2013 10:24:41pm
    Post: #56 
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May 27, 2013 10:25:10pm
    Post: #57 
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May 28, 2013 12:44:42am
    Post: #58 
I would prefer to die by the hands of one of my friends, or peacefully in my sleep of old age or rather around my friends and family. Although a quick death would be quicker.
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May 28, 2013 3:09:17am
    Post: #59 
i dont want to die, becouse to many duty that i have not done, i'll finish them before and maried :P

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May 28, 2013 3:17:33am
    Post: #60 
I would want to die doing something heroic, so I would imprint a good deed on society

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