
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Homeless
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March 24, 2013 5:53:42pm
    Post: #1 
People need to help these homeless people off the streetS.. I feel sorry driving past a Gas station seeing a Homeless begging for money.

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March 24, 2013 6:05:16pm
    Post: #2 
Well not all homeless will be nice because one time I try to give this homeless guy money and say bad language to me so I just left and felt sad that he didn't want the money.
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March 24, 2013 11:59:17pm
    Post: #3 
I kindve agree but at the sametime I also double think back and am like well what if tjey arent homeless and jus collectin some side cash. Its a little out there but aye who knows

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March 25, 2013 1:57:01am
    Post: #4 
I for some reason find joy in helping homeless people, or handicapped people, I just like seeing them be happy and smile :)

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March 25, 2013 12:32:01pm
    Post: #5 
It is simple to get rid of them, don't give them money and they will leave the streets. Why don't they go to some charity organization?
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March 25, 2013 12:41:09pm
    Post: #6 
Don't ever give money to a homeless person. You can give them food or clothes or other essentials, but straight cash 8/10 times will go towards drugs. I guarantee it.
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March 25, 2013 12:52:53pm
    Post: #7 
It's there life they could spend money however they want, But best is to give them clothes,food, and a little money for later on. Also cyberkillar, most places that take care of homeless people get full and some might not know where to go. If you were homeless would you like someone to walk by and laugh at you? To tell you to leave when you have no where to go? In my opinion that is something no human being should do.

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March 25, 2013 6:42:42pm
    Post: #8 
March 25, 2013 8:41:09amKilluminatiGS Dos Wrote:  Don't ever give money to a homeless person. You can give them food or clothes or other essentials, but straight cash 8/10 times will go towards drugs. I guarantee it.
100% agreed

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March 25, 2013 8:49:17pm
    Post: #9 
They say a good measure of a society is how it treats its less-fortunate. I wonder how much money homeless people make on average through donations?
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March 26, 2013 2:23:41am
    Post: #10 
As stated above, many homeless people put money to a non right cause (drugs alcohol etc.) I had a friend who bought a meal for a homeless person to test it out and they came back to find the meal in the trash. Not even a bite was eaten. I'm not saying all of them are like this though. It's good to help every now and then.
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March 29, 2013 12:29:08pm
    Post: #11 
There are a good portion of homeless people that make as much as doctors on a day to day basis. Some aren't even homeless, they actually know the way to make you feel bad and give them money. There are actually tips on the internet on how to buy homes by acting homeless.

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March 29, 2013 12:41:18pm
    Post: #12 
lol wow buying homes by acting homless pretty idiotic. i only give to them when i see them and im convinced they really are homeless

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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March 29, 2013 7:05:04pm
    Post: #13 
A lot of homless people are mean D: but some are nice i guess xD
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March 29, 2013 7:06:52pm
    Post: #14 

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May 11, 2013 9:44:40pm
    Post: #15 
I feel sad for the homeless people, but there's always going to be someone out there like that.

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