
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < suicide
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May 28, 2013 1:36:23pm
    Post: #1 
What do you think about suicide?
And what do you think what cause is then more important? Physical or psychological pain? I have tried it myself and my mother in law has done it herself on the 15th of may

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May 28, 2013 1:38:16pm
    Post: #2 
So to get this straight, you have committed suicide and failed? And if so, why?

Name: majinhoff
Highest LV: 20277
Clan: APEX
Age: 2.2 years old
TL: 18593
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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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May 28, 2013 1:41:54pm
    Post: #3 
I have been bullied my entire life i lost the person i loved the most on a young age and i always was seen as a monster so i got depressed and tried to kill myself but my best friend stopped me cause she stopped me from slitting my wrist by kicking it out of my hands

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May 28, 2013 1:44:58pm
    Post: #4 
I just don't see why you would kill yourself, there is always a way to get away from pain

Name: majinhoff
Highest LV: 20277
Clan: APEX
Age: 2.2 years old
TL: 18593
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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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May 28, 2013 1:46:54pm
    Post: #5 
Not if you are as depressed as iwas or several of my friends are then you dont see another way than just to kill yourself

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May 28, 2013 1:48:56pm
    Post: #6 
You say you have friends, yet your willing to kill yourself... You say that they are depressed too. How would it make them feel if you died?

Name: majinhoff
Highest LV: 20277
Clan: APEX
Age: 2.2 years old
TL: 18593
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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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May 28, 2013 1:54:22pm
    Post: #7 
When you are that far from feeling okay when you are so depressed you dont care anymore you only care about the pain and a way to get rid of the pain

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May 28, 2013 1:55:42pm
    Post: #8 
But so much that you would make your friends want to kill themselves? It just wouldn't be worth it at that point

Name: majinhoff
Highest LV: 20277
Clan: APEX
Age: 2.2 years old
TL: 18593
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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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May 28, 2013 2:04:40pm
    Post: #9 
To me it was and my friends did not know about it except one girl and she saved me but i remain emotionally very weak two weeks ago my mother in law killed herself and i was ready to slit my wrist again but i had to help my girlfriend and her brother(13) and her father even though i wanted to jump of the stairs with my head first

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May 28, 2013 2:05:16pm
    Post: #10 
based on what you said. the main cause I think is psycological. and about you trying to take your own life... that friend that stoped you is proof that there is someone willing to help you geu through the pain you are experiencing
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May 28, 2013 2:06:55pm
    Post: #11 
Due to the fact that phycological pain is usually the cause of most suuicides id say probobly is

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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May 28, 2013 2:07:06pm
    Post: #12 
I know and i thank all the gods( even though i am against religion) that she saved me now i have a girlfriend and i love her for the rest of my life

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May 28, 2013 2:12:09pm
    Post: #13 
I hope that if there are people on pokemon creed who are thinking about doing it can open up and come to me i want to help the people in need of emotional support i have been through this myself and can and really want to help you

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May 28, 2013 2:17:12pm
    Post: #14 
Whynr u against relegion? i waas actually thinking about how agnosticism is possble but im gonna stay christian.

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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May 28, 2013 2:19:44pm
    Post: #15 
Well i dont criticize religions but i think it is a lot of nonsense cause how would it be possible that one being or several beings created life cause they have to be alive to do such a thing too and then this means they created themselves as well

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