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My own Guide
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My own Guide
October 30, 2013 2:09:50am
    Post: #1 
My own Guide
Follow the steps:

1. Go to homepage, then to the games corner then to the game "hitdown"

2. To win the game, you must be one of the first 3 people to click "hit" after the countdown ends (after 0 seconds left).

3. Read the rules of the game and leave the game and come back to it once the timer has 1 minute left.

4. At 30 seconds, start counting down out loud and keep refreshing the page, try to be able to countdown seconds out loud without a clock

5. Once at 5 seconds, stop refreshing the page and get ready to click "Hit". You should be counting down aloud "5, 4, 3, 2, 1", and once you say 0, click "Hit". If you counted down correctly, and clicked "Hit" at the correct time, you should have won 1000 coins. If not it was because you counted incorrectly out loud and you were either too quick to click and the round hadn't ended yet or the round had ended but you were not one of the first 3 people to click hit (you were too slow). You should be aiming for the timer to say 179 minutes 59 seconds after you click hit or possibly 180 minutes 0 seconds (but sometimes when it shows this time you might have been too fast to click hit)

6. You should try this every round. After 3-5 attempts you should have won once. It is possible to win 95% of the rounds like this after you play a lot of hitdown rounds (40+), since practice makes perfect

7. Do this for every hitdown round you have time for, and every time you win a round you get 1000 coins. This is the quickest way to earn coins - I have spent about 5 minutes on hitdown and won 10k coins. I did this by going to hitdown and using an online stopwatch to tell me when hitdown reaches 30 seconds, and then go on hitdown and win the round, then changing the stopwatch to notify me again once it reaches 30 secs again. I spent pretty much 30 secs every 3 hours to receive 1k coins.

8. Additional ways to earn extra coins are below:

9. Once you reach 500+ coins, try get forum credits to buy the promo. Info on how to get forum credits is here.
You will need at least 50 forum posts to start earning credits

10. Once you have a promo either put it in the auction house for either 3 days if it is a one day promo or 5 if it is a normal promo or find someone buying it on forums for a decent price, however you may get ripped off when selling in the forums.

Auction house is more risky now so you could sell your poke on forums if you do not wish to risk

There may be people offering for a very low amount than how much the promo is really worth so check this thread and look at the prices/rates of pokemon. 25k = 25,000 coins. 10k = 10,000 coins. The rate of a promo comes out about a week after when it is no longer in the promo center.

20. Do this for every promo and play hitdown and you will get coins in no time. I'm not sure if promos sell anymore but if they don't just play hitdown, and buy promos if you just want the poke.

Simpler version:
Play Hitdown
Buy Promos, sell them for more

By the way, you should receive 1000 coins regardless of whether you were 1st, 2nd or 3rd at hitdown and sometimes you may not appear in the rankings board

And for more just ener the daily rafle every day and what do we know you might win it depends on your luck

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I am 12 Years Old Lives In Philippines
My Favorite Pokemon Is Giratina
My Storage Account Is BDaMan23
My Real Name Is Chrishan Marc Bautista Alvarez

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luminouse growlite

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November 12, 2013 9:46:39pm (This post was last modified: November 12, 2013 9:47:22pm by Erthy5.)
    Post: #2 
My own Guide
That's just spamming and copying thohir10's guide.

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Thanks Queenx^

I'm a beginner roleplayer, and I have to say, it's fun!:) Feel free to leave me a tip or two about roleplaying.
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November 13, 2013 12:27:05am
    Post: #3 
Yah, you are spamming. I read that guide before you are copieng it...

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elite trainer-#332341
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November 13, 2013 12:28:05am
    Post: #4 
Yah, you are spamming. I read that guide before you are copieng it...

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elite trainer-#332341
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November 13, 2013 12:29:11am
    Post: #5 
Sorry for double posting. Its of lagging. Really sorry...

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elite trainer-#332341
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December 24, 2013 1:43:11am (This post was last modified: December 24, 2013 12:04:04pm by Markszo.)
    Post: #6 
My own Guide
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December 24, 2013 10:39:56am
    Post: #7 
December 24, 2013 1:43:11amMarkszo Wrote:  thank you for your help

Markszo he copied Thohir10's guide its not his work
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December 24, 2013 12:02:59pm
    Post: #8 
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