Pages (1):
March 13, 2014 12:28:47pm (This post was last modified: March 19, 2014 11:53:14am by complanboy.)
Post: #1
In battles, when an NPC uses Hyper Beam, sometimes they do not wait 1 turn for recharge. It needs to be fixed.
Second thing, toxic isn't working properly. Poison and steel types shouldn't get poisoned, but then when NPC uses Toxic on a poison or steel type, they get poisoned. Are these glitches, or intentional?
>>The CHAMP is HERE<<
Post: #2
No idea?
>>The CHAMP is HERE<<
Post: #3
March 14, 2014 4:13:09amcomplanboy Wrote: No idea?
>>The CHAMP is HERE<<
Post: #4
I doubt they are intentional. They sound like details that were accidentally overlooked.
Post: #5
i also think its intentional bcoz creed has change......not much well
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