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RIP Pokemon Creed
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RIP Pokemon Creed
February 29, 2016 3:30:22am
    Post: #1 
RIP Pokemon Creed
It makes me sad to see Pokemon Creed this empty of players. When I joined, there would be hundreds of people on at a time, there was tons of competition among different clans, and there were a lot of friends. The last update was over a year and a half ago, so I understand why no one gets on anymore, but I still miss the good old days when Creed was at its prime. RIP Pokemon Creed. This community is greatly missed...

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Thanks to Darkness for this signature!

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My better siggy! My creation.

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My Dialga siggy! My creation.
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February 29, 2016 7:35:09am
    Post: #2 

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February 29, 2016 9:48:21am
    Post: #3 
Yeah thats why the administrator stop to do update the creed..they only doing a little to not to die creed.

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February 29, 2016 11:34:16am
    Post: #4 

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February 29, 2016 11:36:17am (This post was last modified: February 29, 2016 11:37:05am by Erigor.)
    Post: #5 
RIP Pokemon Creed
I completely agree with charmtrainee. Me and him have known each other basically since he registered.
There used to be a complete and totally different community with older and more fun users on everyday. Now we get complete and total idiots, beggars, and people that just don't need to be on the Internet (or be living for that matter).

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March 01, 2016 4:16:08am
    Post: #6 
Dont say that we r idiot begger ..there is lots of good friends ..for some kind of that type plsyers u cant say it to whole of the player...erigor.

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March 01, 2016 8:33:48am
    Post: #7 
Harsh lol

We all miss the god days where there were we did things like compete for clan rankings, acitive mods that had a reason to go on, Dualot making summer forums for prizes, and a even mini Showdown league.

With no one new really going to register there's not much a moderater has to do (with the exception of a few banned people coming back, you know who you are), so we all kinda have gone inactive.

As for friends, at this point its just either you made them or not. Literally Billers is the only lasting group left, if you don't count memers like batmanashhha and pdog2 in a group, and most of them have been here since at least 2012 (Thomas and james ur old). We all saw the great activity, the big changes, and we all contributed to this game one way or another. Alan, Dualot, zap, and the rest made sure the game was the best it could be.

Now without their support, we really have nothing. See that CursedSpinarak? It was made by a bot, like all the cursed since 2 years ago.

Who made a sprite for it though?
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Could Alan have used it? Yes. It's why we sprited, to contribute to a game we love to play.

Goes to show the laziness /:

An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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March 01, 2016 10:03:46am
    Post: #8 
So we r playing a dead game.

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March 01, 2016 11:15:25am (This post was last modified: March 01, 2016 11:22:30am by Erigor.)
    Post: #9 
RIP Pokemon Creed
March 01, 2016 4:16:08amPranjit Wrote:  Dont say that we r idiot begger ..there is lots of good friends ..for some kind of that type plsyers u cant say it to whole of the player...erigor.

Obviously I didn't mean everyone, but... However you take it. xD

March 01, 2016 10:03:46amPranjit Wrote:  So we r playing a dead game.

That should've been obvious...

March 01, 2016 8:33:48amRichKidDre Wrote:  Alan, Dualot, zap, and the rest made sure the game was the best it could be.

Um, excuse me... Alan doesn't care for Creed anymore. As a matter of fact, if I remember correctly, he called Creed a "hobby" and basically blew us off a few weeks ago. Dualot's starting to become the same way, and Lee is busy with real world stuff and health issues, etc.

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March 01, 2016 11:18:04am
    Post: #10 
Actually da man puts in the promos.but I agree I stoped playing after the newest update came.out my best friend before I quit was becbec so yeah I'm quite old player I just play now since Nintendo shut down pokemon omega i have nothing better to do
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March 01, 2016 11:25:03am
    Post: #11 
I mean, they could've changed the name like Cless did with Pokemon Moon, he ended up renaming it Pokemon Eclipse because of the recent announcement of Pokemon Sun and Moon.
Nintendo only did something to Omega because of "Omega" Ruby, and they want the top result on all search engines to sell their products.

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March 01, 2016 11:33:56am
    Post: #12 
I know but it's still pretty rude and selfish
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March 01, 2016 11:39:50am
    Post: #13 
March 01, 2016 11:33:56amlittlemadcluck Wrote:  I know but it's still pretty rude and selfish

Don't look at it as rude, but selfishness yeah... Because they're doing it to get their products to sell faster, allowing them to make more money.

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March 01, 2016 11:54:12am
    Post: #14 
Allowing them to be jerks but still moon had further notice they should've given omega a warning to change the name so now I'm.going to.rate everything gamefreak one star
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March 01, 2016 3:53:18pm
    Post: #15 
Hoping creed will go back to the way it was. If we can get new staff that's active and new players it can.
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