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RIP Pokemon Creed
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RIP Pokemon Creed
May 28, 2016 1:34:23pm
    Post: #31 
Tyizor is right. There aren't enough players on anymore for there to be any competition, and every promo that gets released now is trash. Nothing new or interesting has happened in 2 years, and this once great game is now as dead as every other Pokemon RPG out there.

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May 29, 2016 12:04:00am
    Post: #32 
Yes, I joined Creed years ago (My original account ID was in the #57000s xKraZedRaGex) and the game was thriving, ancients being implemented, lots of flow in the economy, massive amounts of players in game, and on chat, just an overall great website to play on. I know, I've been holding onto this one hope, that Da Man would go through with one of his ideas, which he had brought up in a quick Q&A on the Chatroom. It was that he was, "Thinking of ideas to create a Creed 2.0" I know that was months ago, almost a year I'd say, but still, it would be great if one day he would bring up some news of an update or something. If he were to make a new RPG, I would hope that we would learn from these events, and hopefully help that rpg last longer than this one. I doubt it will happen, but I am glad we had the time we did in Creed. Thank you.

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May 29, 2016 3:29:47pm (This post was last modified: May 29, 2016 3:30:42pm by rozario.)
    Post: #33 
RIP Pokemon Creed
what really happened to creed ???

it wasnt like dis 3 years back ... i really miss the old creed !!

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May 30, 2016 5:23:22am
    Post: #34 
Nothing happens to creed. That's the issue. A person who has already quit wouldn't find any changes( in updates) if he ever returned to this game. Nothing has ever happened to this game since 2 years (approx.)

Lf bug type coloureds !
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May 31, 2016 4:54:48pm
    Post: #35 
Da man is lazy useless scrub and should get a life
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June 03, 2016 7:21:52pm
    Post: #36 
That's why the game isn't being updated. Because he decided to dump Creed and just move on his his life.

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June 04, 2016 12:18:10pm
    Post: #37 
no creed is the best game dont hate if you get bored ez
we can roam around in maps and catch pokemans man that is next level this game will never die

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June 04, 2016 4:31:23pm
    Post: #38 
I'm not hating because the game is boring. The game is dead. Maps are useless and no one even used them in the first place.

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June 05, 2016 3:07:45am
    Post: #39 
Yeah, just newbies use maps! Other than that some players who hunts for shiny and items will use map. Da Man should update this game a bit to keep this game alive :3

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June 06, 2016 12:31:36pm
    Post: #40 
just because you dont do it dosent mean only "newbies" do it , either PM da man , quit , deal with it , or stop complaining , every second thread on the forums is criticizing the mans work and criticizing the game and whining and complaining which wont make any difference in the end.

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June 06, 2016 1:03:58pm
    Post: #41 
June 06, 2016 12:31:36pmnightmaredragon Wrote:  just because you dont do it dosent mean only "newbies" do it , either PM da man , quit , deal with it , or stop complaining , every second thread on the forums is criticizing the mans work and criticizing the game and whining and complaining which wont make any difference in the end.

I never said something like i dont use it! Probably you like to roam in maps. Thats good. Do it :)

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EliteBOY - #357257
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June 06, 2016 2:08:00pm (This post was last modified: June 06, 2016 2:08:40pm by nightmaredragon.)
    Post: #42 
RIP Pokemon Creed
BlueMoon , Whos even talking to / about you?

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June 07, 2016 1:29:20am
    Post: #43 
It's my alt! You were talking about me right?

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June 07, 2016 5:20:10am
    Post: #44 
Nevermind people here are too stupid to understand sarcasm welp im off cya

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June 07, 2016 8:47:20am
    Post: #45 
June 07, 2016 5:20:10amnightmaredragon Wrote:  Nevermind people here are too stupid to understand sarcasm welp im off cya

yeah, even i feel the same! Cya too

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