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School for Mutants, Morphs, and More!
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School for Mutants, Morphs, and More!
November 18, 2014 1:58:27am
    Post: #1 
School for Mutants, Morphs, and More!
For all you mutants, morphs, and other creatures, there is a chance to go to an amazing high school full of wonders! There is a Drama Club, Martial Arts, Arts and Crafts, Bands, Track Team, and much, much more. And for the most understanding of human beings, they can attend too. But in order to get accepted, you must know the teachers.
Martial Arts Teacher- Ninjitsu- Sensei Splinter.
Kung Fu - Po
(More will be added soon.)
Band Directors- DJ- Vinyl Scratch
Classical- Octavia Melody/ Lyra Heartstrings.
Track Team Coach/ PE Coach- Sonic the Hedgehog
Drama Club Teacher- Rarity, Zoe Trent.
More to go, but why don't we set up your application.

Type: (Mutant, Morph, Else)
Classes: (These are required- Math, English, Spanish, Science.)

Name: Donatello Hamato
Species: Turtle
Type: Mutant
Backstory: Was once a normal turtle, until mutegen was spilled on himself and his brothers and growing up taught ninjitsu. He is now 15 and is attending this school.
Appearance: About 6 feet tall, green, and has a shell. Obviously, he is a human sized turtle taught ninjitsu. He has reddish brown eyes and wears a purple mask.
Classes: Math, English, Spanish, Science, Martial Arts, and Physical Education.
Other: He carries around a bo staff, or a naginata.

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November 18, 2014 2:08:43am (This post was last modified: November 18, 2014 2:22:47am by Knucklehead666.)
    Post: #2 
School for Mutants, Morphs, and More!
Name: Raymond Askoff Lyzakyan
Species: Luxio
Type: Pokemon
Backstory: Was transferred to this school after multiple expulsions. Troubled past.
Appearance: Luxio with a scar across right eye.
Classes: Math, English, Spanish, Science, Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Track Team

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November 18, 2014 2:16:04am
    Post: #3 
(Are you allowed to be the teachers? :P If not, that's fine too.)

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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November 18, 2014 2:46:55am
    Post: #4 
Name: Shulk
Species: Homs
Type: Else
Backstory: He transferred here from the Bionis somehow.

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Classes: Math, English, Spanish, Science and Arts and Crafts.
Other: Long time no see. :p

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Thanks Amy!
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November 18, 2014 11:02:12pm
    Post: #5 
((Well, guys, it's good to be back, and all accepted. Amy Rose, yes you can be Sonic, but can you have a student too? ))

Donatello was sitting in the sewers with his brothers, then April comes down with an invitation to a school. She hands it to Donnie. He reads it and smiles his gappy smile.
"Guys, we're going to school!"
"What?" Three other voices said.
"Absolutely not." Master Splinter said.
"C'mon Sensei," Donnie says.
"Mmm... Fine, but be safe."
"Sensei, you got a job invitation. They want you to teach Ninjitsu." Raphael says.

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November 19, 2014 3:52:39am
    Post: #6 
Shulk woke up semi-early. He got dressed and grabbed the Monado. He headed to the school he got an invitation for. Shulk reached the school and waited for the teachers to let the students inside.

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Thanks Amy!
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November 19, 2014 3:57:11am (This post was last modified: November 19, 2014 3:57:36am by Shinxey.)
    Post: #7 
School for Mutants, Morphs, and More!
(I was going to be one as well, :P I was just wondering. xD)
(Forms coming very soon.)

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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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November 19, 2014 10:13:13am
    Post: #8 
Ray woke up and got ready for school. Looking out the window, he sees an ominous looking white van outside. "Great," Ray said, "he followed me here."

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November 19, 2014 8:42:38pm
    Post: #9 
Name: Tails
Species: Fox
Type: I think he'd be counted as a morph? xD
Backstory: Decided to start school, and this one was the closest the where he was.
Appearance: [you must login to view links]
Classes: Math, English, Spanish, Science, PE, Technology (Do they still do that class?) ( I think that's it? xD If not, I'll add more later. :P)
Other: I think we need some Magic Corndogs in here. xD

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
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[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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November 20, 2014 1:21:37am
    Post: #10 
(Yeah, we'll do Technology, Donnie's in that one too. Accepted.)

Donnie gets ready and puts on a sweater April gave him. It was purple and had a green D on the middle. His brothers had some like that, Raph- a red one with a green R, Michelangelo- orange with a green M, Leonardo- blue with a green D. Now Donatello and his brothers were going to school. Splinter had accepted the job, so the turtles drove in the Shellraiser. Finally they got there, shared a high three and went to their classes. Donatello's first class- Technology. The reason is, he'd show off and shine bright to everyone, if he could make high tech weapons from refuse, then he could only wonder what he could do with great technology. He nearly squealed at all the possibilities. :)

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November 20, 2014 1:52:06am
    Post: #11 
Name: Aero
Species: half-angel half-demon
Type: Mutant (I think)
Backstory: As an angel, Aero had to go to Angel School in the Overthere. But being half-demon, this complicates things and she never fit in anywhere. Her parents never loved her. She couldn't get an education. She had no friends. Practically suicidal, she almost hung herself, but then she heard about this school, and that changed her life forever.
Appearance: Beautiful face with fair skin and no imperfections, long silky blonde hair, white dress with black accents, right wing is an angel wing, left wing is a demon wing, has small black devil horns on her head
Classes: Math, English, Arts and Crafts, Science, PE and Technology
Other: MAGIC CORNDOGS (and I'm Shimmer =D)

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^Made by me!^

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^Thank you Shinxey!^
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November 20, 2014 1:56:08am
    Post: #12 
(Whoo! xD Magic Corndogs! xD @Ness are we allowed to accept people, or not?)
(Tails' PoV)
I woke up bright and early on Monday, and looked over to my alarm clock. School was going to start in about an hour. I rolled out of bed, and went to go get ready.

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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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November 20, 2014 2:04:03am
    Post: #13 
(Accepted, hi Shim-Shim :) )

Donatello took his seat, beside someone named Tails. Donnie shrugged and waited for class to begin. During the time, he thought of things he could make, but not to upgrade his weapon, he remembered the last time he did that.

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November 20, 2014 2:06:32am
    Post: #14 
Aero was nervously sitting next to a fox named Tails and some other dude named Shulk. She shifted uncomfortably, making sure her wings didn't bonk into anyone.

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^Made by me!^

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^Thank you Shinxey!^
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November 20, 2014 2:06:38am
    Post: #15 
(Okay fine. xD *Skips ahead slightly*)
While I was waiting for class to begin, I started tinkering with a new invention I was working on.

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^smol grape boi

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