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Pokemon Creed Forums < Ralt's Roleplaying Center < Pokemon Farm! [open to all]
Pokemon Farm! [open to all]
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Pokemon Farm! [open to all]
July 01, 2016 11:39:37pm (This post was last modified: July 03, 2016 11:50:26pm by lilpikachu313.)
    Post: #1 
Pokemon Farm! [open to all]

There has never been a place so chaotic and yet so peaceful at the same time. Pokemon Farm is a place of controlled chaos, where beauty shines in every aspect of the story. With a fleshed out setting and new, unusual and interesting plot (controlled by you, and the rest of the roleplayers), a fine, fun and refreshing experience's almost guaranteed!


The main farm is a ranch with a barn, silo and etc. in the back of it. Inside a tower just near those areas, teleporters (powered by pokemon, of course) can send pokemon to different biomes of the farm as well. Fenced in areas of icy tundra, to sandy beaches and even to warm tropics exist and are available for all pokemon to access.

- Humans
- Gijinka pokemon/humans (A hybrid race from ancient times who hid underground for centuries. Recently, they discovered the surface world and have only just begun to adapt to modern society between humans and pokemon.)
- and Pokemon!
- Farmers/ranchers/etc. are extra appreciated for more plot material, but not mandatory to create.

1. Don't sweat about breaking these on accident. I'd only ban someone from the roleplay (or all my roleplays) within reason; not over occasional, or even common mistakes.
2. No powerplaying (controlling others' charries without permission).
3. Try and include other players in the story as much as possible so everyone has fun roleplaying.
4. Only pokemon and humans are playable.
5. Yes, you may destroy buildings as this'll lead to plots. ^^
6. Be realistic! (For example, a character can only be the "most powerful pokemon around" within realism.)
7. No god-modding! (Dodging all attacks, controlling where a hit will land and will do, unrealistically attacking too much at once -- such as 47 times, for example -- making attacks unavoidable, etc.) A good way to not god-mod's to write that your character aimed and attempted their attacks (so you can aim for your character A to hit character B's back, and character B's roleplayer decides if it hits), but overall leave the deciding to the other roleplayer. Fights' winners and losers should be agreed upon by the fighters' roleplayers, although this isn't mandatory; just a suggestion so a fight doesn't go on for ages without a winner/loser.
8. Fill out a form for every character you want to roleplay.

Copy (highlight the text, then press ctrl+c) and paste (click the message box, then press ctrl+v) this form or type it out. It doesn't need to be exactly like the form, and you can also just ditch the form and write about your character instead, as long as it answers everything in the form that isn't labeled optional.

Moveset: (Unavailable for humans. Gijinkas get 2 moves as they're hybrids; Pokemon get 4. These moves stay with them the whole roleplay to keep things simple.)
Species: (Human; gijinka; or pokemon? If pokemon or gijinka, state what pokemon they are/are related to.)
Personality: (Include at least one good, one bad and one neutral characteristic each about your character.)
Appearance: (Optional for pokemon.)
History: (optional)

Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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July 15, 2016 7:27:20pm
    Post: #2 
Is this still open and available?
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