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Occasional Chat Contests
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Occasional Chat Contests
November 20, 2016 8:45:32am (This post was last modified: December 04, 2016 1:41:22am by Jeffrey0.)
    Post: #1 
Occasional Chat Contests
Hello. I will be hosting chat contests at no specific time. For regular contests, I will use six types of contests randomly. Here they are, in-depth.

Contest Type 1: Random Question Contests

I will ask any question I have on my mind.

Example Questions
How many different types of fishing rods are there?
What's one example of an ice cream flavor?

Contest Type 2: Ranking Contests

I will ask questions based on Creeds multiple different rankings, such as the Coins Ranking and the Crafting Ranking.

Example Questions
Who is rank 162 on the Pokemon Rankings?
Who is rank 59 on the Coins Rankings?

TIP: Ranking pages are separated by 20 players per page. To find a number without guessing the page, just divide the number by 20 and go to that page.

Contest Type 3: "Who's that Pokemon" Contests

I will post a cropped picture of a random Pokemon on Creed. To win, type in the FULL name of the Pokemon.

Example Questions
[you must login to view links] Who's that Pokemon?
[you must login to view links] Who's that Pokemon?

Contest Type 4: Pokedex Contests

I will ask which Pokemon has a certain number on the Pokedex. To win, simply type which Pokemon it is.

Example Questions
Which Pokemon is #49 on the Pokedex?
Which Pokemon is #139 on the Pokedex?

TIP: Googling "pokemon [number]" will give you the results of the pokemon you're looking for.

Contest Type 5: Math Contests

I will ask either simple or slightly harder math questions.

Example Questions

Contest Type 6: "Post at the Minute" Contests

For every minute in chat, if you manage to post at the "00" second mark, then you win. Similar to hitdown.

Example Winning Responses
[23:45:00] Contest Account: i win
[16:51:00] Contest Account: i'm so good at this

NOTE: If there this more than one post with an accurate time, then there will be more than one winner. If no one hits it at 00, then the closest post(s) win(s).
TIP: If you have a slow connection, post earlier.

Contest Type 7: Pokemon Type Contests

I type in the name of a Pokemon; to win, you need to post the type(s) of the Pokemon.

Example Questions

NOTE: You may post the types in any order you like. Inspiration taken from GrimReaper.

Big Contests

At the end of regular contests, I occasionally drop a large contest. They require three points to win, and chat will agree on one type of contest to play, using the following codes. Type in the code to tell me what kind of contest you'd like to play.
/random for Contest #1
/ranking for Contest #2
/wtp for Contest #3
/pokedex for Contest #4
/math-e for Contest #5 with easy questions
/math-h for Contest #5 with harder questions
/00 for Contest #6
/type for Contest #7

The winner will receive a fairly large prize, usually at least 25k coins worth of Colored Pokemon.

URL Contests

On a random day, I will put a date and time in my quote. At that time, I will release a URL Contest. When I do release one, I will post a URL into chat. That URL will be a screenshot of many other URLs, and you must guess which the right URL is. If you picked the wrong one, you will be linked to a code with a picture of a Colored Pokemon or a picture of coins. PM me the code and you will receive whatever was inside the picture.(Limited to one prize per person.) However, if you picked the right URL, you will be linked to a code that contains yet another link to a URL, to continue the puzzle. Once you reach the end of the puzzle, you will be greeted with a Congratulations message with a picture of your grand prize. It will value at least 75k coins worth of Colored Pokemon and/or coins. Also included in the picture is a code that you will type into chatroom, to notify me that you've completed the contest.
If you have trouble picturing it, here's a diagram of how it works.

General Rules/Tips

For Contests 1-5, there can only be one winner. In the event where two or more people post at the "same" time, the top post will be the sole winner.
If you are a mobile user or have a slow connection, your best bet of winning is by playing Contest Type 6. Read the tip in Contest Type 6 for why.
There is a higher chance of Contest Account coming online if there are a lot of people on chat.

That's about it. Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions.

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