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Pokemon Prestiging and Max Level Cap [Feedback]
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Pokemon Prestiging and Max Level Cap [Feedback]
July 27, 2013 1:01:20pm (This post was last modified: July 28, 2013 12:05:31pm by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Pokemon Prestiging and Max Level Cap [Feedback]
I have this idea, let's give a Pokemon a max level cap, say 45,000.
Edit: 45,000 is a little too high, so maybe 20,000 to 30,000. I just picked out 45,000 as a totally random number with no consideration.

Upon reaching level 45,000.00, you can (optionally) prestige: prestiging means resetting your Pokemon's level to 5 but then moving your Pokemon to the next prestige and also upgrading your Pokemon, such as 5% extra damage, health or defense.

The maximum extra damage, health or defense is 15% each. So that adds up to a maximum prestige of 9. Each Pokemon starts at 0 prestige.

What do you think? Or maybe there should be infinite prestiges but no bonuses, but there would be a reward such as coins for the player.

Or maybe I should add infinite prestiges but only do bonuses of 1% with a maximum of 10% bonus overall.

When trading, their prestige is indicated by a bracket.
E.g. an 8th prestige Lugia who has had their level reset 8 times would be Lugia (8) - Level: 1351.

I will not add this suggestion in if there are mixed opinions, but I was just wondering. If you don't like the idea, don't worry, I won't add it in unless 95% of people agree.

The highscores/rankings will take prestiging into account, so a Lugia (1) - Level: 5 would rank higher than a Lugia - Level: 1031.

If such a feature is implemented, I will probably completely remove all trade caps.

Some items may have prestige requirements. For instance, a 'Super Leftovers' may require a Pokemon to be at least 4th prestige before the item can be attached to the Pokemon.

Some special moves (e.g. Transform) or items might require a certain prestige before a Pokemon can use it. Making prestiging rewarding.

The reason I have thought of this is because I was thinking of having level caps completely removed and to make the game more stable.


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July 27, 2013 1:16:11pm (This post was last modified: July 27, 2013 1:20:02pm by Amathyst.)
    Post: #2 
Pokemon Prestiging and Max Level [Feedback]
Hmm, I'm not sure on this idea to be honest.

Yeah, prestiging is a nice idea, and it's nice for all those bonuses and will give people an incentive for training.

But, on the otherhand, think about the time it would take for a person to reach level 45k. Not even two people have reached that goal (although GrimReaper is pretty close).

I think the level requirement should be lowered maybe to around level 40k, maybe even 35k, seeing that only 7 players have a level that has a level 35k.

Overall, the idea is nice, it would give an incentive to training, but it may be seen as time-consuming. I'd give it a 7/10.
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July 27, 2013 1:17:23pm
    Post: #3 
I dont like this idea very much. But thinking of that there will be ''1,000,000,000,000'' level Pokemon in the ''far'' future.. I am force to accept this idea..
I think that having a ''max'' level will make this game board when one or more person reached the max level. However, i have this idea in the past that i dare not bring it up. The idea is that, Pokemoncreed can be not just one game, but more then one game. Every 1 year, Pokemoncreed will add in another server. So when there ''old'' server is ''dead'', people can join the ''new'' server and start again. However the ''old'' server wont stop running.

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July 27, 2013 1:45:00pm (This post was last modified: July 27, 2013 1:55:41pm by melmoasd.)
    Post: #4 
Pokemon Prestiging and Max Level [Feedback]
it's not such a bad idea but i would agree with Amathyst 45Klvl is too high i would recommend somewhere around 25K up to 35K as a max cap...
even reaching lvl 10k seems to take long time to reach so i guess 25k to 35k might seem to suffice. and as for the prestige why not combine the 9limit bonus and infinite bonus....
make stat bonus as 3 limit for each and unlimited bonus for random not so rare item,coins,points,cash....
and when you do prestige you can choose ether to increase the stats, receive random not so rare item, receive coins, point or cash.....

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July 27, 2013 4:39:35pm
    Post: #5 
i dont like this idea because 1.zapdos has already gone past that lvl lol and i dont think it would be all that good apart from the bonus's and it would completely change the way arund training
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July 27, 2013 4:39:54pm
    Post: #6 
I like the idea, but what happens after prestige 9?
We can't put a limit on out trainers :/

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July 27, 2013 4:53:13pm
    Post: #7 
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July 27, 2013 5:11:43pm
    Post: #8 
I'm totally against the idea,training pokemon is the biggest part of the and many have be doing so for years (yes myself included) and as i've seen there are still many players that like the challenge of training hard and climbing the ranks etc..,and getting a prestige and reseting the pokemon would be a complete waste of the time to the players that have spent time training.

Putting a limit on the trainers over time in my opinion could ruin the game and i would hate to see that happen plus to the fact your are now adding other features (mining,farming etc.. so there is plenty of other things for the community to do so i say leave it how it is.why try to fix something that isn't broken :)

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July 27, 2013 5:52:43pm
    Post: #9 
I personally like the idea of prestiging, and the trade cap being removed. The trade cap has definitely made me lose out on quite a few good trades that would have made me better off. And I think the fact that you can permanently increase the stats of the prestiged pokemon is really cool. And what everyone needs to keep in mind is that this game is still in beta phase and is subject to change a lot in the near future. That being said, the prestige might integrate well into the game with the features to come, and I do believe it would add stability to the game.
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July 27, 2013 6:12:40pm (This post was last modified: July 27, 2013 6:17:40pm by tntt.)
    Post: #10 
Pokemon Prestiging and Max Level Cap [Feedback]
Edit : so if the pokemon's attack is say 500 then when it prestiges will it go down to 5 attack or continue to 505? Also whould they keep getting the same exp or will they only gain 1000 exp instead of 1bilion?

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July 27, 2013 10:56:04pm
    Post: #11 
i dont like the idea it would be nice if pokemon can only learn moves which they can

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July 28, 2013 9:52:55am
    Post: #12 
I will say NO to this idea, will the lv5(1) gets the same amount of xp of a lv 45k???

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July 28, 2013 10:03:33am
    Post: #13 
i like the idea.. but people are already over 25-30k already, so would those levels just carry over? and how would mysterious trainer work? would it still be the same level or would that reset? i like the idea and the fact that trading caps are removed, but might mess with the training methods 9/10

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July 28, 2013 12:04:49pm
    Post: #14 
July 28, 2013 9:52:55amjack73355 Wrote:  I will say NO to this idea, will the lv5(1) gets the same amount of xp of a lv 45k???

Nope. It will be almost exactly like a level 5 Pokemon but with a few extra bonuses.

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July 28, 2013 12:20:12pm
    Post: #15 
This would only just ruin those collections people worked hard for.
Ie base CursedSnorlax, base CursedFlygon
And tons of other based evolutions would be created if they can do this and tons have been paid for those Pokemon.
Sooner or later whatever level you make will be easier to get and those with the collection will have no point to collect anymore.
So I'd say no would be annoying for a lot :o.

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