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Body Modification
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Body Modification
February 12, 2013 5:51:04am
    Post: #16 
:) i don't plan on trying it (mum and dad would kill me XD) but ti's interesting to know a bit about it. Thanks

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 5:53:48am
    Post: #17 
February 12, 2013 12:51:04amTyizor Wrote:  :) i don't plan on trying it (mum and dad would kill me XD) but ti's interesting to know a bit about it. Thanks

thats alright... yeah i know what you mean...
i had long hair when i was stretching my ear's but as soon as i got it to 16mm... it was really noticeable even with my hair over them ahaha
my mum had a spaz attack


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February 12, 2013 6:13:01am
    Post: #18 
Lol, if i did it my mom would freak out real bad :P just getting more than 1 peircing on your ears makes her spaz (sister XD)

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 6:16:49am
    Post: #19 
February 12, 2013 1:13:01amTyizor Wrote:  Lol, if i did it my mom would freak out real bad :P just getting more than 1 peircing on your ears makes her spaz (sister XD)

Oh wow.... i would freak her out big time...
used to have 7 piercings on my face ahaha ^.^


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February 12, 2013 6:19:59am
    Post: #20 
My parents would literally kick me out, they would tell me to go live somewhere else, Im not getting piercings, I could but then I think about it from time to time,
Emo, u don't need to stretch out or pierce body parts to show ur emotions...
It would be better if a person did not feel bad for another person.
Emotions can be shown in many many different ways

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February 12, 2013 6:22:04am
    Post: #21 
February 12, 2013 1:19:59am1dogzilla Wrote:  My parents would literally kick me out, they would tell me to go live somewhere else, Im not getting piercings, I could but then I think about it from time to time,
Emo, u don't need to stretch out or pierce body parts to show ur emotions...
It would be better if a person did not feel bad for another person.
Emotions can be shown in many many different ways

Yes i do understand that... but personally for me...
i have them, to kind of scare people away... i dont like verbal communication
and im really quite, so if i can get a reason for people not wanting to speak to me
i go for it... my ears do personally mean alot to me


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February 12, 2013 6:24:53am
    Post: #22 
Emo, If u don't want someone to talk to u do these
Don't talk to them and walk away
Clearly how them that u dislike them with a passion if that's a case
Or make them hate u
Emo- If I may ask. Do u have any friends?

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February 12, 2013 6:27:25am
    Post: #23 
February 12, 2013 1:24:53am1dogzilla Wrote:  Emo, If u don't want someone to talk to u do these
Don't talk to them and walk away
Clearly how them that u dislike them with a passion if that's a case
Or make them hate u
Emo- If I may ask. Do u have any friends?

i have 2 friends... Ronnie and Tyson
and well, every instantly hated me when they figured out i am weird.. and scary
i honestly dont care for friends.... i only want 2 or 3


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February 12, 2013 6:28:48am
    Post: #24 
:) emo, you shouldn't try to shy away from being social
i suck at it, but being social is healthy for us psychologically

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 6:31:22am
    Post: #25 
well i have always been a massive loner... i have never exactly liked the company of people
im just shy ahaha
i dont know what to say, other then

im a "odd" child


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February 12, 2013 6:33:44am
    Post: #26 
^^ haha i'm a bit bad with social communication too so i understand a bit
the internet is much more pleasing, but it's not the "real world" -.- sometimes i wish it was *sigh

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 6:35:23am
    Post: #27 
I'm a complete weirdo tbh, not many peopl actually know what Im like, when I starte school, I was a line and didn't have any friends at all! Well so I figured out how to meet a person and be friends, I would say Hi to a "stranger" at school and they would say hi backs and I start a conversation,

Emo- everyone's wierd, people can't call u wierd without telling themselves that they have a secret that they don't want anyone else to know

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February 12, 2013 6:37:01am
    Post: #28 
February 12, 2013 1:33:44amTyizor Wrote:  ^^ haha i'm a bit bad with social communication too so i understand a bit
the internet is much more pleasing, but it's not the "real world" -.- sometimes i wish it was *sigh

100% agree with you there...
i stopped wanting to chat with people and be there friends after
grade 3 and after my dad left...

i would prefer to speak to people online, no hassle then


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February 12, 2013 12:22:11pm
    Post: #29 
by the way what is body modification I dont know this ? Is this you experiment your body

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February 12, 2013 10:05:22pm
    Post: #30 
February 12, 2013 7:22:11amphantomzoro Wrote:  by the way what is body modification I dont know this ? Is this you experiment your body

Body modification's are anything that changes the original shape of the body

so any piercings or tattoo's or even implants (which is a extreme, way of modification)

really it is up to personal choice, getting your ear's pierced is a body modification, but it isn't bad because it is extremely common
even small size stretchers are common (e.g 16g - 00g (2mm - 10mm)


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