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Body Modification
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Body Modification
February 16, 2013 12:04:30pm
    Post: #46 
oh well let me put it non religious...i think that we're 'perfect' the way we are in our own little ways
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February 16, 2013 12:14:30pm
    Post: #47 
Well... i have never liked myself that much
i would like to look alittle obscure
just so people dont mistaken me as a kind of normal person

Obscure look... to show off my obscure personalty >.<


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April 05, 2013 7:03:51pm
    Post: #48 
i think that if you want it you can get it but from a business owner's standpoint i think that owners and managers just want you to look professional
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April 05, 2013 7:30:45pm
    Post: #49 
I think the changes in the body cool yes but we should know how to moderate due society's prejudice that much but I have 4 tattoos in places that few people can look
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April 06, 2013 3:22:57am
    Post: #50 
Yeah well, it doesnt bother me, i have 20mm ears now
and there pink xD i couldnt care less if people find them cool, or if they find it stupid

my body, i can and will do what i would like to do :)


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April 06, 2013 7:03:17am
    Post: #51 
body modification!!!!!!!!!!!
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April 06, 2013 9:10:41am
    Post: #52 
I myself find it perfectly fine, but companies do like their employees to look as nice as they can. I used to have two eyebrow piercings myself. I don't like the ear stretching, but that's not going to stop me from shopping somewhere or being someone's friend.

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April 06, 2013 7:23:54pm
    Post: #53 
Hah, Emo, I don't know about the unemployment rate in Australia but you having piercings or anything of the sort would make no difference in America, you wouldn't be able to find a job anyway.

If you care what I think, I believe that we're here for a limited time anyway, to grow and develop so that we all strengthen the collective mind (everyone's brain power combined). But I also believe that "us being created perfect as we are" is a load of garbage. If that were true, maybe a woman would consider talking to me (women don't like ugly guys), maybe I wouldn't be victim of their 'Ripping sessions.' (Note, a 'ripping session is the term for crap-talking until the crap-talked wants to stab someone.)

So I say, stretch your ears far as you want, you'll never be able to please most of these ethnocentric, opinionated heathens. The thing that restores at least some hope in humanity are people like Mikehappy who don't care how you look.

(Lol I remember first hearing about ear-stretching and I thought you meant stretching the inside of your ear, and so you could 'dig' with two fingers.)

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April 07, 2013 2:25:36am
    Post: #54 
I find body modifications like that really weird. I'll never pierce my body or get tattoos. They are EVIL!!!!!!!!!

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April 07, 2013 12:58:04pm
    Post: #55 
The Employment rate in Australia are getting worse
so my ears will become a big problem later, :) but until then
i am keeping my ears and my other piercings for as long as possible


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April 07, 2013 1:02:14pm
    Post: #56 
Personally, I really dislike Body Modification and as someone else said, it makes you look a little less unprofessional from an employers point of view.
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April 07, 2013 3:36:01pm
    Post: #57 
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April 07, 2013 5:32:02pm
    Post: #58 
Body modifications are, simply put, up to the choice of the person who gets the modifications. They are the only ones whose opinion matters in that situation.
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April 07, 2013 5:38:58pm
    Post: #59 
Body Modification freaks me out, a piercing here or tattoo there isn't so bad but there shouldn't be so many. One tattoo is enough and I don't like it if the piercings are on body parts other then the ear and even then I can barely stand it. I don't know how this phobia came to be but it just is. And it's always better to remove those piercing and cover the tattoos before you going to apply for a job, that's almost common sense.

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April 07, 2013 8:29:36pm
    Post: #60 
I don't think we should judge body modification, but it is human nature @kamijyou
people do it for a reason. personally i think it's fine to judge the people who do it cus it "looks cool" XD
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