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Body Modification
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Body Modification
February 12, 2013 10:53:04pm
    Post: #31 
lol phantom's comment makes you sound like a cyborg Emo :P
Btw emo, you should put on a smile and strike up a conversation with a stranger some time :) it might be easier than you thought

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 11:25:49pm
    Post: #32 
February 12, 2013 5:53:04pmTyizor Wrote:  lol phantom's comment makes you sound like a cyborg Emo :P
Btw emo, you should put on a smile and strike up a conversation with a stranger some time :) it might be easier than you thought

Maybe i am a Cyborg ahaha
i do smile... but i smile behind the sleeve of my jumper so people cant see it ^.^
i must sound very weird to everyone ahaha O.o


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February 12, 2013 11:57:15pm
    Post: #33 
haha weird is fine
i'm quite odd in real life XD. favorite quote ever: "a world without weird people is like an icecream cone without sprinkles" ~ryan higa

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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All hail the attacker cult!

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Proud follower of Amathyst's great teachings

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February 13, 2013 12:05:36am
    Post: #34 
February 12, 2013 6:57:15pmTyizor Wrote:  haha weird is fine
i'm quite odd in real life XD. favorite quote ever: "a world without weird people is like an icecream cone without sprinkles" ~ryan higa

i dony like sprinkles haha ^.^
oh well...


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February 13, 2013 12:16:16am
    Post: #35 
U know, I just like plain vanilla Ice cream, no sprinkles, I really dislike people in general,
But once I get to know someone, we become really great friends
("The world is your oyster, and every oyster has a special pearl, unless.. Your oyster doesn't have a pearl, that means you would have to get a whole new world. Hm.. That's not looking to good for you" - Ryan Higa )
^^ For Tyizor
Hey, Emo, What are you like? We could be friends :)

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February 13, 2013 12:20:35am
    Post: #36 
February 12, 2013 7:16:16pm1dogzilla Wrote:  U know, I just like plain vanilla Ice cream, no sprinkles, I really dislike people in general,
But once I get to know someone, we become really great friends
("The world is your oyster, and every oyster has a special pearl, unless.. Your oyster doesn't have a pearl, that means you would have to get a whole new world. Hm.. That's not looking to good for you" - Ryan Higa )
^^ For Tyizor
Hey, Emo, What are you like? We could be friends :)

Well.. i am a massive loner
but i try to be nice all the time
i have really long black hair (which used to be blue purple and green)
and i am into alot of the heavier music... because i am a vocalist and a drummer
i also play bass, guitar and piano
but i dont play them often in bands... because i prefer to do drums or vocals ahaha

thats just about me in a nut shell
oh also next year i will be going to university (college) for the first time for music and im 16 ahaha ^>^
so thats pretty sweet. im really proud of it haha


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Thank's For The Signature ImRaaichuu #156751 at the cheap price of 10 coins why not get one? pm him :D

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February 13, 2013 12:26:08am
    Post: #37 
How? WHat?
Ur 16 and ur going to college, already.
I'll be 20 by the time I go to college,
What college?
Well thats pretty cool, I lke music myself,
I've been playing the piano for about 9 years now :), I can play this: [you must login to view links] and I'm teaching myself this: [you must login to view links]
Thats probably the best I play, I have a guitar but I can no idea how to play it :/
Could you teach me :D?
Ok, You have black hair, which used to be blue purple and green, Hm.. Not strange at all. If I could, I would dye my hair blue and pink.
Like, um what other hobbies do you have? Other than anything related to music.

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February 13, 2013 12:38:05am
    Post: #38 
February 12, 2013 7:26:08pm[you must login to view links] and I'm teaching myself this: [you must login to view links]
Thats probably the best I play, I have a guitar but I can no idea how to play it :/
Could you teach me :D?
Ok, You have black hair, which used to be blue purple and green, Hm.. Not strange at all. If I could, I would dye my hair blue and pink.
Like, um what other hobbies do you have? Other than anything related to music.

Well i live in Australia and once you get passed Cert 4
you can go to university for it, also i am grade 6 in piano... so i could go there when i was 14...
but i was too young...
i am going to Monash University next year... im in year 11
and they are only just accepting me, if i keep my grades up

i love the pirates of the carribean music... i never bothered to learn it... but i think i might now

i could teach you how to play guitar xD but it may be hard ahaha

and my other hobbies are
Lyric Writing and Voice acting and drawing
me and my mate are working on a youtube animated serious
like HellBender's and leo and satan


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Thank's For The Signature ImRaaichuu #156751 at the cheap price of 10 coins why not get one? pm him :D

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February 13, 2013 12:48:00am
    Post: #39 
See I like you already :D,
You should be more social :), People can like u once they get to know the real u.
Are you a real actor, like in um, COmmercials and movies and stuff,
I'm one of them, :D, Its really fun, and you get paid big also

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February 13, 2013 12:55:58am
    Post: #40 
i want too, but no one really wants the kid with huge
1 inch holes in there ears
and long black hair... so i should just stick to voice acting

also im not used to social encounter's
the really awkward stuff is when girls at school try and talk to me
i just sit there... its kind of funny

i got a after school detention yesterday for singing a song at lunch... ahaha
i was bored so i started singing this [you must login to view links]

and the principle called me a psychopath ^.^
*my life is very dull*


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Thank's For The Signature ImRaaichuu #156751 at the cheap price of 10 coins why not get one? pm him :D

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February 16, 2013 9:06:35am
    Post: #41 
Body modification's?I dont understand, mind if you explain to me more further.If so thank you very much!

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February 16, 2013 9:10:08am
    Post: #42 
whoo! that must be painful i will never try it in my life. i am happy with what i have.

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February 16, 2013 10:37:06am
    Post: #43 
Body modification is just a fancy word for
making the body different then usual...

and ninjakill... it hurts for about 1 hour
one time it hurt for 1 week... but it doesnt hurt much
and once the pain is over... you get a sense of joy ^.^


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Thank's For The Signature ImRaaichuu #156751 at the cheap price of 10 coins why not get one? pm him :D

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February 16, 2013 11:59:28am
    Post: #44 
i dont like it as i believe god created all of us just the way we are...
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February 16, 2013 12:03:09pm
    Post: #45 
Oh well... doggy that is your idea of it
im not religious... so i dont know how to take your response on board...


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Thank's For The Signature ImRaaichuu #156751 at the cheap price of 10 coins why not get one? pm him :D

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