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Pokemon and The Famine
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Pokemon and The Famine
July 02, 2013 11:04:28am
    Post: #76 
((Hey LittleBlueBird! You still eating sugar?))

(My bro says route 3+4 then Mountain Moon, correct lilpika?)

As he walked through the 3rd route, a Nidoran M attacked him. "Go, Lacey!" he said.
The Nidoran looked like it was tackling Lacey, "Eep!" the Eevee cried. "Lacey, dig!" Yugi said. She dug a hole in the ground, and shot up at Nidoran. Nidoran nearly passed out, but got back up and shot poison at Lacey, who dodged. "Lacey, Tri-Attack!" Yugi said. Lacey did so, and attacked, KOing Nidoran. "Eev.. Eee? Bleec..." Lacey joked.

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July 02, 2013 3:32:11pm
    Post: #77 
(Hiya Ness and yes of course I wouldn't be me if I didn't have my sugar XD)

Hikari yawned and stretched out, she was currently perched up on one of the trees just on route 4. Her pokemon, a Snivy called Emerald was curled up, very comfortably on her stomach, it opened one eye to look at her partner before deciding to also get up.
"You wanna try and get though here today?" Hikari asked Emerald, who in turn nodded her head, although still a little sleepy.
"Kay come on then" Hikari hugged Emerald to her and jumped down from her tree.
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July 02, 2013 3:51:54pm
    Post: #78 
Walking out of route 3 to the 4th, he saw someone jump out of a tree. Moltres saw the Snivy and was confused, never seeing one before. "Moltres, something wrong?" Yugi asked. "Tres! Moltres! Molt!" Moltres called. "Oh... Hmm, Maybe.." Yugi said. Skar and Lacey butt in, of course. They soon walked past Hikari and went into Mt Moon. When in the cave, Yami emerged.

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July 02, 2013 4:03:27pm
    Post: #79 
Hikari felt Emerald tug at her hoodie, pointing at the person that had just walked past them.
"What is it?" Hikari followed Emeralds stretched out finger, pointing to the a phoenix like pokemon next to the boy.
"So, its just a pokemon, come on we need to get going" Emerald gave a curious look to the boy, but curled around Hikari`s neck
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July 02, 2013 4:21:23pm
    Post: #80 
(Mt Moon cheat: Go right and pick the 4th ladder, you'll be out in no time XD I don't even have the game anymore.)
"Ehh? This'll be hard... Err, left or right." Yami whispered. "Moltres, let's go... right..." He said, walking right. "Hmm... Not this ladder, or the next 2. Down this one." Yami said. "Tres! Moltres! Moltre, Moltres tres molt...(Yugi! Listen! I heard team rocket stays in here, so be careful my dear friend.)" "Okay, Moltres." Yami said, heeding Moltres' warning.

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July 02, 2013 4:39:24pm
    Post: #81 
Hikari giggled as she watched the boy slightly panic, trying to figure out where to go. As much as she would of liked to help him, she could help but watch the scene. Emerald on the other hand was laughing like there was no tomorrow.
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July 02, 2013 5:16:49pm
    Post: #82 
"C'mon!" Yami said, jumping off, instead of using the ladder. "Doof!" He said hitting the ground, then laughed. Moltres laughed too, and followed Yami. "Hey-" "Woah! You can talk!" "Doi! Yami, there's the exit, after those team rocket fools." Moltres said. Yami nodded and continued. He started humming a car chase tune. Moltres couldn't help but laugh. "Hehe..." Yami said in his deep tone voice. "I'm sensing... That weird girl and snake thing.. Above the ladder we just went down." Moltres said. "Ah, who cares about that fool?" Yami joked, exitting the mt moon. "Ah! Sunlight!" He said.

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July 02, 2013 5:25:03pm
    Post: #83 
Emerald was still chuckling as Hikari slid down the ladder and onto the ground, she dusted herself off and walk in the direction on the cave opening.
"Well I suppose you can`t call them boring" Emerald nodded.
"We should eat soon, there should be some berries up ahead" In response Emeralds stomach growled and she gave a shy smile.
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July 02, 2013 5:45:13pm
    Post: #84 
Yami had a few apples in his bookbag. "Here, Moltres, Lacey, Skar." They all ate one and continued. "Misty... That's who we're up against." Yami said. He walked in the Gym, challenging Misty. "Go, Lacey!" "Go Staryu!" "Lacey, Tri Attack!" Lacey sent off mostly thunderbolts instead of ice and fire, critically on Staryu, who used Rapid spin. "Tri Attack!" Yami said. Lacey did the same thing, KOing Staryu. "Go, Starmie! Use Rapid Spin!" Starmie did so, KOing Lacey. "Go, Skar! Use Focus Blast!" Skar nodded and sent off a focussed blast of energy. Starmie used Rapid Spin with a Water Pulse, critically on Skar, nearly KOing it. "Skar, Foul Play!" Yugi said, Skar did so, KOing Starmie. He obtained the badge and left the gym. "Too easy." Yami thought.

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July 02, 2013 5:53:47pm
    Post: #85 
Hikari noticed the boy from before walking out of a gym, she had planed on just walking past him without say a word, however Emerald being her curious, mischievous self launch herself onto his shoulder. Hikari giggled as Emerald sat on his head, pulling at his multi-coloured hair.
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July 02, 2013 6:11:57pm
    Post: #86 
He picked the Snivy off his head, and tossed it to Hikari. Moltres was about to go balistic. It screeched at Emerald and Yami calmed it down. He closed crimson eyes and walked away, but before he did completely did, he said, "Is there a reason you continue to follow me?"

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July 02, 2013 6:34:03pm
    Post: #87 
Hikari would have answered him back but she had her hand over her mouth to try and stop her giggles, although failing completely. "Well if your always this entertaining then way not, besides your cute"
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July 02, 2013 6:43:23pm
    Post: #88 
"Entertaining? I'm just going through the jacked-up region." He said, turned back from her, blushing crazily. He continued going torwards the underground passage. He walked down through the passage and ended up in Vermillion city. He transformed back to Yugi, and went into the Pokemon Center, getting his pokemon healed.

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July 02, 2013 6:56:15pm
    Post: #89 
Hikari looked at Snivy and they both began laughing again "He definitely is entertaining that's for sure" They both turned to the gym.
As always Misty was there and instantly Emerald jumped down "Come out Staryu!" Emerald smirked
"Emerald, vine whip and grab at Staryu" Emerald wrapped the one vine around Staryu and repeatedly slapped the pokemon with the other
"Ah Staryu use rapid spin"
"Emerald throw Staryu away" She did just at the star pokemon was about to spin, and as luck would have it, into the wall.
"Emerald, use Leaf tornado and finish this" Emerald jumped up and her Leaf Tornado was a critical hit, rendering Staryu unconscious. Hikari smiled as she received her badge. "Now lets find that entertaining boy" Snivy nodded and the walked off in the direction they had seen him go in.
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July 02, 2013 7:09:26pm
    Post: #90 
"Okay. Now let's go challenge Surge." Yugi said, deciding to use Lacey. As they entered the gym, Surge just sent out Pikachu and Yugi sent out Lacey. "Lacey, dig!" Lacey dug a hole underground then hit Pikachu, while using Tri Attack. Pikachu fainted. "Go, Raichu! Use Double kick!" Lacey was kicked fiercely, but used Dig before KOed, then hit Raichu. Raichu used Thunder, but it missed. Lacey used Tri-Attack KOing Raichu. Surge was impressed. Yugi walked out with his badge.

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