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Pokemon Creed - Petition
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Pokemon Creed - Petition
March 06, 2016 10:56:07pm
    Post: #1 
Pokemon Creed - Petition
Hello everyone,
As you may know, there's been a really high rate of death on this website for the past year or so. In my personal opinion, it's because Alan Du (Da Man) doesn't come on to update this website.

What I'm proposing is that Alan seeks another coder (either someone he knows, or a user on here) to assist him in updating this website.

What do you all think? If we get enough people against Alan, he MAY consider it.


(Also to show support, please don't forget to include the #AlanSucks or @AlanSucks in your posts!)

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Made by Oscah!
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March 06, 2016 11:57:59pm
    Post: #2 
Im with you on this, i enjoy this game and even though i can play it by myself i would rather play with other people. If old players decide to randomly come and see how creed is doing and see more activity and updates they may settle back in and join us again
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March 07, 2016 3:26:47am (This post was last modified: March 07, 2016 3:29:56am by tntt.)
    Post: #3 
Pokemon Creed - Petition
Yeah this game is actually KYS alan is actually like the dumbest kid on the market. I remember when about a like a hundred people were online at at time and now there are literally 5 people and myself on right now its dumb. According to daily raffle 84 people played today not including all the double accounts.

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March 07, 2016 6:12:17am (This post was last modified: March 08, 2016 4:23:46am by Pranjit.)
    Post: #4 
Pokemon Creed - Petition
I m support too..
Alan sucks

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March 07, 2016 5:05:10pm (This post was last modified: March 07, 2016 5:08:59pm by RedHatred.)
    Post: #5 
Pokemon Creed - Petition
I am with you this game has alot potential if it gets some proper care


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March 07, 2016 7:00:21pm
    Post: #6 
I like creed but yeah #alan sucks he should get off his but
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March 10, 2016 8:20:08pm (This post was last modified: March 10, 2016 8:20:36pm by eves44.)
    Post: #7 
Pokemon Creed - Petition
It isnt all alans fault, he has other commitments, and updating the game wont change much, the game was based around a lot of things, and all alan can do is add more games or make things harder which will just make everyone complain more. by all means do this, and watch the site get closed down, but dont blame alan, he has done as much for this game as he can, and it was only a matter of time till the site was done

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March 10, 2016 8:37:33pm
    Post: #8 
March 10, 2016 8:20:08pmeves44 Wrote:  It isnt all alans fault, he has other commitments, and updating the game wont change much, the game was based around a lot of things, and all alan can do is add more games or make things harder which will just make everyone complain more. by all means do this, and watch the site get closed down, but dont blame alan, he has done as much for this game as he can, and it was only a matter of time till the site was done


You're literally the only person that bothered logging in that feels this way.

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Made by Oscah!
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March 11, 2016 4:17:41am
    Post: #9 
I feel like I started this. I don't know why Alan decided to stop working on Creed when it was so popular, but he did, and there's not much we can do about it. He won't even be on to see this thread. I don't think anything is going to change, to be honest.

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Thanks to Darkness for this signature!

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My Dialga siggy! My creation.
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March 11, 2016 11:36:01am
    Post: #10 
March 11, 2016 4:17:41amcharmtrainee Wrote:  I feel like I started this. I don't know why Alan decided to stop working on Creed when it was so popular, but he did, and there's not much we can do about it. He won't even be on to see this thread. I don't think anything is going to change, to be honest.

I mean, there's an unstated meaning behind this thread if you've ever really paid attention. (I'll see if you can figure the unstated meaning out)

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Made by Oscah!
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March 12, 2016 3:36:20am
    Post: #11 
I agree fully with u

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March 12, 2016 5:44:26pm
    Post: #12 

An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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Made by Mother Espeon (thank you :3)

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made by blackheartwarrior :)

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Made be complanboy :)

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made by kyogy :)
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March 19, 2016 11:59:52am (This post was last modified: March 19, 2016 12:00:50pm by Storage 2015.)
    Post: #13 
Pokemon Creed - Petition
U r right #alansucks .
He should update the game.
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March 31, 2016 11:01:18pm (This post was last modified: March 31, 2016 11:16:12pm by Leafburn12.)
    Post: #14 
Pokemon Creed - Petition


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March 31, 2016 11:22:40pm
    Post: #15 
March 10, 2016 8:20:08pmeves44 Wrote:  It isnt all alans fault, he has other commitments, and updating the game wont change much, the game was based around a lot of things, and all alan can do is add more games or make things harder which will just make everyone complain more. by all means do this, and watch the site get closed down, but dont blame alan, he has done as much for this game as he can, and it was only a matter of time till the site was done


Yes he does have other things to do, but you'd think he could add at least a few LITTLE updates. It's been over a year since our last update.
And what about all the other stuff he promised? More stuff in the dungeon? Bonus stuff with the Elite 4? That was over a year ago.
And about raising the difficulty and adding more things, the only people I can really see complaining about it are the newbies and lazy butts who want everything handed to them for free without putting any effort in. There are so many of them around nowadays because almost all the decent players have quit, so it seems like there are more than there really are.
The site probably would've been okay if it wasn't practically abandoned.

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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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