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Katie and Harmony\'s Messed Up Mini Plays
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Katie and Harmony\'s Messed Up Mini Plays
November 28, 2012 9:30:30am
    Post: #481 
Time for another JUICY play
HOBO disease 1/??
Pokemon Creed has been diagnosed with a disease called HOBO-disease
All the people who play Pokemon creed and does not log in for 5 days in 2 hours time,their family will be cursed and they will become a hobo.This leads to many people wanting to get banned and even the mods login every day to prevent this from happening to them.

Dualot: Now...mods,we have a problem.To say,there is a curse put by itachiu when we banned him.
Zapdos: Yes.It turns people who do not log on regularly into the homeless hobos.Now half a population in the US is homeless,thanks to US!!!!!
Joey: There were already a lot homeless's pretty troublesome because i need to log in everyday
Catcher: Yeah.We really need someone to stop this.I can't because i'm on vacation.How 'bout you,xhinz?
xhinz: There is a news that the person with the highest IQ is in creed.Her name?EVevolution
Crixus91: So what happens?More people are breaking the rules everyday to prevent being hobos...
Dualot: Let's set up a 'rescue team'.Let's call it the 'creed rescue team'.
The members are:
Catcherpro<-since you say that you're on vacation
Dualot<- gimme some face
Ryanlim2<-chosen by random,he'll heal your Pokemon. aka nurse joy
EVevolution: wow...going with kira,harmony!
Ryanlim2: I'm a guy...not a nurse and my name's not joy....
Dualot: Get ready guys...
All of them: OK....
Dualot: You are only be able to take 3 pokemon with you,so choose wisely.Itachiu's strongest pokemon is magikarp,remember
After 3 seconds...
All of them: alright and ready!!BYEEEE CRRRREEEEDDDD
Ryanlim2: mamamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!T_T
The he really a guy?
To be continued....
Sneek peek:
The team meet up with controlled villain 1,noodles(there really is such a player)
Funny scenes:
Dualot: Noodles,really.Is there such a player?
Ryanlim: T.T Nurse Joy here...
Villain List
Villain 1= Noodle
Villain 2= Prototype
Villain 3= Lucian
Villain 4= FeaR
Villain 5= iRazzel
Villain 6= itachiu101

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November 29, 2012 4:01:06am
    Post: #482 
I randomly chose ppl cos no one was joining in and seriously,NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE!!!!(sorry for the caps but i have to get this inside ppl's heads)
HOBO disease 2/??
xpietju: why do i have to go?
Dualot: We heard that you are pretty're lucky,'Nurse Joy' was picked randomly...
Ryanlim2: T_T Here's your Pokemon, catcherpro. Hope you come again T_T
EVevolution: So where do we go now?
Harmony: I'm hungry.Let's sit down and eat lunch
Everyone: ALL RIGHT!'Nurse Joy',where's lunch?
Ryanlim2: T_T why me........
After Lunch...
catcherpro: who's there?
??: I am here and i will prevent you from foiling my master's plans!I am Noodles!
Dualot: Noodles?Is there really one such player?
Noodles: nvm,go,itachuichiha101's beginner rank Magikarp!
harmony: wow...they even have ranks...
catcherpro: thunderbolt and you're gone!
Noodles: Defeated...bye bye
EVevolution: Now that was fast.
???: hello,xpietju.I see you've left Flow Of Time after i got banned huh?
xpietju: Proto?
???: Yep.Good Bye,for i will be waiting for you and victory will be mine
harmony: sounds bad....oh.Nurse Joy,my G.cress's hp has dropped by one,can you heal it for me?
Ryanlim2: T_T...yes...'Nurse Joy' Here
After 10 minutes....
Dualot: A the Creed userase land that is newly enhanced,we can cross the bridges.No problem.
EVevolution: Ditto,transform into airplane.I don't trust bridges cos itachui's here.Hop on guys
On the other side...
harmony:The bridge really broke huh?wow,trust nothing in this land
wild magikarp appeared!
wild magikar used slap!!!!
slapped a billion times!Slap was super effective
All of them: owwwwwwwwwwwwwww
to be continued

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November 30, 2012 6:14:30am
    Post: #483 
HOBO disease 3/??
Dualot: ooooouuuucccchhhh!This must be one of itachui genetically improved magikarps :o
Catcherpro: :o
harmony: :o
xpietju: :o
Ryanlim2: T_T :o
EVevolution: :o so what moves does it know?
Dualot: Earthquake....slap
All of them: Waaahhhhh!Earthquake!And we got slapped!
Dualot: tsunami...
All of them: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!TSUNAMI!
EVevolution: Good thing i've got a ditto with me.Ditto!Transform into Lugia!
After 1 second....
All of them: Safe at last....
Dualot: and....typhoon.
All of them: Dualot!Don't say anymore!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
EVevolution: GET OUT THE GOOGLES AND OXYGEN TANK!Into the water,Lugia!

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December 04, 2012 2:30:37am
    Post: #484 
Due to the forums becoming more and more inactive/'dead',i have just chosen random players for this play for i find no need to delay it.There is really no offense to anyone,especially the villains in this play for i have chosen a couple banned players.
HOBO disease 4/??
After 12 minutes...
harmony: has the magikarp gone yet?
catcherpro: yes.gone.
EVevolution: okay.Let's get outta here.
All of them: Agreed.
On land...
Prototype: so you've made it huh?Time to let you face the wrath of Prototype!Magikarp,go!
xpietju: when did you change your team into magikarps?
Prototype: Magikarp,splash!
Ryanlim2: NO!Magikarp!Come back in!!!
All of them:...huh?You've got a magikarp too...-_-
Ryanlim2: Magikarp use flirt!
All of them: wow,very dirty moves...'flirt' eh?
Prototype: Splash it away!
Ryan: Use attract!
EV: Ryan's Magikarp is known to be a 'womanizer' though...proto's magikarp must be a female.Even if it is male,flirt works too,it faints the male opponent.
catcherpro: i thought the only kind of move like this existing is 'Attract'?
EV: idk how he learnt it...
Ryan: now use cheat!Then use dump!
All of them: Are these even moves?
Ryan: you're right,EV,he is a womanizer.And he is very phony.It even works on legends.Use Jealousy!
Prototype: magikarp!Don't fall to these moves!Use splash again!
All of them: Karpy battle...
After 10 hours....
Ryan: Magikarp! Use kill!
All of them: battle finished....
To be continued....

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December 05, 2012 2:53:56am
    Post: #485 
Due to the forums becoming more and more inactive/'dead',i have just chosen random players for this play for i find no need to delay it.There is really no offense to anyone,especially the villains in this play for i have chosen a couple banned players.
HOBO disease-5/??
Prototype: The move 'kill' and the other moves...inflicted physical and emotional damage...very skilled magikarp it is...
All of them: -.-
After 20 minutes...
Prototype: Very fine magikarp it is,with such moves.Did a human evolve into it?That is intriguing,very blahblahblahblah(he said a heck load)
Dualot: Proto sure has a very wide vocab range...woah,the words
Prototype: blahblahblahblahblahblahblah(he said even more)
Ryan: T_T 'Nurse Joy' here
catcherpro: .....can we please leave here?
Dualot: I thought he only had a range of colorful lang?
Prototype: You people can go,i'll train my magikarp.
All of them: :o

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December 06, 2012 6:01:01am
    Post: #486 
I suck
Dualot:I suck
Nub:U suck Dualot
Dualot:No i don't
harmony: :o
Ev: o.e
Someone:Less caps.
Someone : -__-
Dualot:Wheres my ban hammer?
ProtoType:Ohh there it is!
Dualot:Give it back!!!
*ProtoType bans everyone*

The end
No offense to anyone :D

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December 06, 2012 6:04:23am
    Post: #487 
Here's mine! :D

Charlie: Hi Dave
David: Hi, how are you?
Charlie: Hmm, I'm really bored, I feel like jumping off a cliff.
David: Oh, is that so?
Charlie: Yeah, I have an urge for adreniline right now. ^_^
David: Well...good luck with that. :3
Charlie: Wait! Aren't you going to stop me? D:
David: Nope...was I supposed to?
Charlie: Yeah! D; I can't believe you wouldn't stop your best friend from jumping off the cliff
Charlie: Now I feel like punching you and throwing you off the cliff -_-
David: (tense silence) Oh, wait, please don't hurt me! >.<
Charlie: Oh, now you want to stop me! >:\
David: No... Wait!
Charlie: (punches David and throws him off the cliff)
David: Ahhhh!!! ahhh....ahhhh...ahhh..ah
Charlie: >:] <---grinning menacingly
Bobby: Oh, hi Charlie! How are you?
Charlie: I feel like jumping off a cliff.

The End! :D Lol I made that up on the spot ^_^

~Harmony the annoying and Katie the Angry

Katie: Haha, I'm ****y and I know it! ^_^
Harmony: haha, you're funny! :P
Katie: No! I'm serious!
Harmony: lol
Katie: why are you laughing?
Harmony: I'm laughing because you're not :P
Katie: You're laughing because I'm not ****y );
Harmony: No, I'm laughing because you're not laughing. ^_^
Katie: *Skitty Slaps harmony* Stupid harmony! -.-
Harmony: lol
Katie: grrrr! why are you laughing now!? >:|
Harmony: idk ^_^
Harmony: I'm ****y and I know it! ^_^
Katie: No! you're not! >:/
Harmony: lol
Katie: That's it! (throws off the gloves)
Harmony: lol *while running away*
Katie: Get back here! :O
Harmony: lol

Joey: Haha, look at my team catcher? :D
Catcher: uhhh, yeah, it's nice...
Joey: What? what are you talking about?!
Joey: It's more than just nice, it's epic ^_^
Catcher: *listening to I'm ****y and I know it* I'm walking in the spotlight and this is what I see..
Joey: -.- Are you listeining to me?
Catcher? What? sorry I can't hear you...
Joey: My team's alot better than your babylugias! xP
Joey: Like who wouldn't want a c. arceus! :D
Catcher: You just had to go there! >:O
Joey: A c. suicune can wipe out those pichu's any day! ^_^
Catcher: *steaming in anger*
Joey: And your chansey doesn't even stand a chance against my c. mew ^_^
Catcher: Ahhhhh! *Tackles Joey*
Catcher: No Way!
Joey: what?
Catcher: My battery just died! D;
Joey: so?
Catcher: I can't listen to I'm ****y and I know it! );
Catcher: I'm powerless...
Joey: >:] *tackles catcher*

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December 06, 2012 8:53:28am
    Post: #488 
December 06, 2012 1:04:23amkian8395 Wrote:  Here's mine! :D

Charlie: Hi Dave
David: Hi, how are you?
Charlie: Hmm, I'm really bored, I feel like jumping off a cliff.
David: Oh, is that so?
Charlie: Yeah, I have an urge for adreniline right now. ^_^
David: Well...good luck with that. :3
Charlie: Wait! Aren't you going to stop me? D:
David: Nope...was I supposed to?
Charlie: Yeah! D; I can't believe you wouldn't stop your best friend from jumping off the cliff
Charlie: Now I feel like punching you and throwing you off the cliff -_-
David: (tense silence) Oh, wait, please don't hurt me! >.<
Charlie: Oh, now you want to stop me! >:
David: No... Wait!
Charlie: (punches David and throws him off the cliff)
David: Ahhhh!!! ahhh....ahhhh...ahhh..ah
Charlie: >:] <---grinning menacingly
Bobby: Oh, hi Charlie! How are you?
Charlie: I feel like jumping off a cliff.

The End! :D Lol I made that up on the spot ^_^

~Harmony the annoying and Katie the Angry

Katie: Haha, I'm ****y and I know it! ^_^
Harmony: haha, you're funny! :P
Katie: No! I'm serious!
Harmony: lol
Katie: why are you laughing?
Harmony: I'm laughing because you're not :P
Katie: You're laughing because I'm not ****y );
Harmony: No, I'm laughing because you're not laughing. ^_^
Katie: *Skitty Slaps harmony* Stupid harmony! -.-
Harmony: lol
Katie: grrrr! why are you laughing now!? >:|
Harmony: idk ^_^
Harmony: I'm ****y and I know it! ^_^
Katie: No! you're not! >:/
Harmony: lol
Katie: That's it! (throws off the gloves)
Harmony: lol *while running away*
Katie: Get back here! :O
Harmony: lol

Joey: Haha, look at my team catcher? :D
Catcher: uhhh, yeah, it's nice...
Joey: What? what are you talking about?!
Joey: It's more than just nice, it's epic ^_^
Catcher: *listening to I'm ****y and I know it* I'm walking in the spotlight and this is what I see..
Joey: -.- Are you listeining to me?
Catcher? What? sorry I can't hear you...
Joey: My team's alot better than your babylugias! xP
Joey: Like who wouldn't want a c. arceus! :D
Catcher: You just had to go there! >:O
Joey: A c. suicune can wipe out those pichu's any day! ^_^
Catcher: *steaming in anger*
Joey: And your chansey doesn't even stand a chance against my c. mew ^_^
Catcher: Ahhhhh! *Tackles Joey*
Catcher: No Way!
Joey: what?
Catcher: My battery just died! D;
Joey: so?
Catcher: I can't listen to I'm ****y and I know it! );
Catcher: I'm powerless...
Joey: >:] *tackles catcher*

Good one,funny bone break rate: 7/10
[quote=poopoo32 id=62078 dateline=December 06, 2012 1:01:01am pid=207931]I suck
Dualot:I suck
Nub:U suck Dualot
Dualot:No i don't
harmony: :o
Ev: o.e
Someone:Less caps.
Someone : -__-
Dualot:Wheres my ban hammer?
ProtoType:Ohh there it is!
Dualot:Give it back!!!
*ProtoType bans everyone*
I heard Prototype was banned but it isn't possible for dualot to say that he sucks.And thanks for putting me in the play
Funny bone breaking rate: 100/10

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December 06, 2012 11:37:05am (This post was last modified: December 07, 2012 10:49:58am by poopoo32.)
    Post: #489 
Katie and Harmony\'s Messed Up Mini Plays
ProtoType Returns
People:ProtoT(ProtoType's new account :D)
Da Man
ProtoT:Hey guys i'm ProtoType.
PP32:Yeah right.
ProtoT:Heres proof:
*ProtoT shows a SS of me trading with ProtoType*
PP32:O.e thats not me.
PP32:Jk :D
Ev:ProtoType i don't trust you :P
ProtoT:I'm ProtoT not ProtoType.
Ev:What ever.
joey:Here we come -_-
Da Man:-_-
Da Man:0-0
Da Man:Wheres my mega-ultra-mega-ultimate-big-fat-awesome-mega-big-super-huge-mad-killing-ban-hammer ?
ProtoT:There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Da Man:HEY Give my mega-ultra-mega-ultimate-big-fat-awesome-mega-big-super-huge-mad-killing-ban-hammer back.
ProtoT:Cool this is called a Mega-dumb-unusable-stupid-awkward-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-ban hammer.
Da Man:-_-
Dualot:Don't worry Alan i'll defeat him with my Mega-Super-Dualot-Ban-HAmmer
Da Man : -_-
*ProtoT and Dualot fights with a hammer(Ban hammer)*
ProtoT:I win :D:D:D:D:D
PP32:Go PT :D
ProtoT:What does this button do?
*ProtoT presses the button*
Da Man:CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That button closes Creed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Creed Goes down*
Enjoy :)
No offense to anyone.

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December 07, 2012 3:29:11am (This post was last modified: December 07, 2012 3:33:28am by EVevolution.)
    Post: #490 
Katie and Harmony\'s Messed Up Mini Plays
wow,so dualot gets banned in every one of your upcoming plays.
I'll try one.
Ban Hammer Sale
Da Man
Prototype2: I'm back,really.Time to ***** on chat(don't worry,i just put *s only)
Dualot: No you don't where's my ban hammer?
Da Man: Here.I borrowed it awhile to ban someone.
Prototype: I've got one too.
Dualot: It took me a while to get unbanned. Mostly fixing Alan's computer.I was wondering where did the last ban hammer go...
Prototype: It's with me here.I stole it from Da Man's house.************
EV: colorful lang,that was bad.
harmony: here we go.I'd better cover my eyes,the lang is too colorful
joey: -_-
harmony: -_-
Da Man: -_-
pp32: -_-
Prototype*continues swearing* *********************
Dualot: Ban hammer!
Proto: I've got one too.
*Ban hammer fighting commences*
Proto: ****************
webmaster: ok,Alan.Situation under control.He's whole family will not have internet access for 10 years.James,you can go now
Proto: ***********damn

Disclaimer: I DID NOT swear or use vulgarities.
All i did was to put an asterix(*) at the places for the colorful lang.
And,no offence.

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December 10, 2012 2:22:32am
    Post: #491 
I'll put off making HOBO disease for a while,i'm not gonna be very active soon as my parents are gonna be home from this Wednesday onward but i'll be still back for the Christmas event.
Really hope harmony can be back....she's gone for a month already.
Guess she still has a life huh?
Maybe i should learn how to control myself next year.Gonna put that in my new year's resolutions.
Periods which i will be frozen:
Whole of march,will be back for April Fools.
Whole of May-June,will be back in June
Whole of September-October,will be back for Halloween.
Above stated for year 2013
Year 2014:
The whole year to November/October ,except April fool's.Means i'll be back for Halloween though.I'm not gonna miss out the events.

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December 28, 2012 1:49:33am
    Post: #492 
Hey guys its me itachi's bro. do u guys want me to make a sequel to my kidnapped portion? ill let my bro type it
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December 28, 2012 1:58:11am
    Post: #493 
If i talk about my hate for Puerto Ricans
will i get banned.....................


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Thank's For The Signature ImRaaichuu #156751 at the cheap price of 10 coins why not get one? pm him :D

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Bulbasaur Level 3,000 [x]
Ivysaur Level 3,000 []
Venasaur Level 3,000 []

Charmander Level 3,000 []
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December 28, 2012 1:27:28pm
    Post: #494 
I don't know but thanks for bumping it up, bro

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December 29, 2012 1:36:29am
    Post: #495 
can i help or be in one

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