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Body Modification
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Body Modification
February 11, 2013 8:24:47am
    Post: #1 
Body Modification
Hey everyone... what do you think about body modification's?
i have quite alot... and i find it impossible to get hired for a job

and im not even that bad... i have my ears stretched to 1 inch
so 25mm's and my lip pierced

i personally like body modification... i just hate the fact i cant get a job


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February 11, 2013 8:26:02am
    Post: #2 
Well I really don't like body modification. It's just I really don't like it that's all. and yeah it's hard to find due to that.

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February 11, 2013 8:30:50am
    Post: #3 
I don't know why but body mods just freak me out. I don't hate them, I just get frightened when I see one. It's probably a phobia of mine. Oh well...
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February 11, 2013 8:31:22am
    Post: #4 
February 11, 2013 3:26:02ambrys18 Wrote:  Well I really don't like body modification. It's just I really don't like it that's all. and yeah it's hard to find due to that.

at the end of the day... i feel like i should take them out
and let it all heal, just for employment


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February 11, 2013 8:33:35am
    Post: #5 
@Emo - Oh yes. If you really want to have a job. You should sacrifice it. It's for the better.

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February 11, 2013 8:38:33am
    Post: #6 
February 11, 2013 3:33:35ambrys18 Wrote:  @Emo - Oh yes. If you really want to have a job. You should sacrifice it. It's for the better.

i wish they could except them though... it was alot of pain and time going into stretching my ear's... eh
oh well, i need a job so i can move out


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February 11, 2013 10:33:26am
    Post: #7 
February 11, 2013 3:30:50amAnarchy Wrote:  I don't know why but body mods just freak me out. I don't hate them, I just get frightened when I see one. It's probably a phobia of mine. Oh well...

same with me also

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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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February 11, 2013 4:25:53pm
    Post: #8 
Body modification freaks me out too. I think one should only get a tattoo. Too much modification just doesn't look good.

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February 11, 2013 5:56:33pm
    Post: #9 
i think it looks weird and scary no offense little is ok too much is different

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February 11, 2013 7:50:23pm
    Post: #10 
Body modification is fine, unless it becomes an obsession, the client has body dysmorphia, or both.
There's someone in one of the south American countries who has had 16 ( Last time I checked) body surgeries to make himself look like superman, because he feels his body is inadiquate
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February 11, 2013 11:04:47pm
    Post: #11 
There's nothing wrong with it in my opinion, but people tend to judge it. It just makes you look "thug" or "gang like" :\ i have no problem with it, not my job to judge off appearance (most of the time...)

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 1:54:37am
    Post: #12 
Why do people do body modifications anyways? It doesn't make them cool or anything like that, Is a sign of sadness or anger? I see it alot, It looks like alot of pain went into piercings and stretchings.
COuld you explain this to me Emo?

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February 12, 2013 5:23:47am
    Post: #13 
February 11, 2013 8:54:37pm1dogzilla Wrote:  Why do people do body modifications anyways? It doesn't make them cool or anything like that, Is a sign of sadness or anger? I see it alot, It looks like alot of pain went into piercings and stretchings.
COuld you explain this to me Emo?

Yeah i sure can... so the reason why people do body modifications is for the fact, they either like them or they get them for a emotional reason

yes it is a sign of low self esteem in some ways, usually the kid with the lip piercing will be alittle more depressed then others

and well in my case, the reason why i streatched my ears... is for emotional reasons, im not going to say my reason, it is really personal, but what made me push through the pain and just get over it, is the fact of how much it meant to me, and also
as soon as it is through, the pain is gone
and you feel a sense of accomplishment, its hard to describe to you, ^.^ but yeah


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February 12, 2013 5:45:13am
    Post: #14 
Hmm interesting, I've never really seen it as something along those lines O.o

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 5:47:53am
    Post: #15 
Oh well... it is one of those things that you need to
try before you know...


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