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China's One Child Policy
China's One Child Policy
Post: #31
yeah, but china's population is far too large, they need to limit it. My mum and dad were :) they traveled to the US and had me and my 2 older sisters
Post: #32
Wow, thats cool, Yeah I know some of my friends whos parent came from china, but they moved here because of the policy and because they have better schools here :)
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Post: #33
yeah, education and jobs were the main reason for the move XD
Post: #34
Hey where in The U.S. do you live? , I live in California to be the General, In L.A. :D, Its nice to live here
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[you must login to view images] ^^ My Work If you have any questions, pm me! :D |
Post: #35
Nashville Tennessee :) we originally lived in johnson city TN but moved because my mum and dad got a better job here
Post: #36
Oh thats cool, So whats it like living there? Also, What is the major difference between CHina and where you live now, Negative and Positive.
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[you must login to view images] ^^ My Work If you have any questions, pm me! :D |
Post: #37
:P positive of china- FOOD!, cheap stuff, nice house O.o
negatives- .... you expect me to poop in that?, eww streets, so hot D:, so crowded D: overall, that's about it XD |
Post: #38
i think the policy is good, the population of china is far to large! :)
Post: #39
China's population is 1,354,040,000 as of December 31, 2012. Really a high population.
So I think the one child policy is good for that country. About your positive - Food that has the ideas of the Chinese are good. |
Post: #40
yea, it helps them economically if they try and cut the population. they may start running out of jobs, etc.
Post: #41
then why dont they create more areas to work since they have such big place in China! They can have places for people to work ! :D
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[you must login to view images] ^^ My Work If you have any questions, pm me! :D |
Post: #42
Yeah. I think their resources now are at the peak. So it's really good for them.
Post: #43
>,< they have no more room lol. billions of people in the size of america? lol not fun
Post: #44
Yeah, its normal, I guess, China is huge,and there are lots of people born there so that there can inhabit the land :D
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[you must login to view images] ^^ My Work If you have any questions, pm me! :D |
Post: #45
yeah, but there's not a good people to land ratio, it's causing problems
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