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Cell Phones
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Cell Phones
March 29, 2013 9:54:57pm
    Post: #1 
Cell Phones
I think cell phones have gotten WAY out of hand. I mean, everywhere you go, 9 times out of 10, the people around you have a cell phone. I think it's ridiculous and is spiraling out of control. Pretty much every month it seems like yet another new cell phone is out for sale. Everywhere I go, I see people hunched over those little screens, thumbing away, not even watching where they're going. You wonder why people are smacking into buildings and falling into holes. Cause they're so glued to their cell phone, they're not watching where they're going! I just find it so frustrating. Does anybody even take the time out of their, "busy" lives to look up at the sky anymore? To enjoy nature? Even read a PAPER book instead of a Nook? I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say, "Oh, I can't live without my phone!", and I think, "You don't know the meaning of life.". Granted, cell phones are useful, but you don't need to be on them 24/7. Who here agrees with me?

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March 29, 2013 10:13:50pm
    Post: #2 
me :/ i rarely even bring my cell phone out of my house truthfully, i mean, theres always facebook and oh, outside??

I'm a nub, don't judge me -.-
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March 29, 2013 10:17:59pm
    Post: #3 
Well, at least you're not on yours all the time. It's just where I live, everybody is pretty much. All the time. And yes. Outside. It still exists, you know, Poke? :P But seriously...I just think people need to cut back on using them so much. That's all.

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March 29, 2013 10:21:45pm
    Post: #4 
It's they're phone and they'll use it how they want to. If they want to waste time on they're phone totally up to them.

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March 29, 2013 10:26:59pm
    Post: #5 

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March 30, 2013 4:44:39am
    Post: #6 
I definitely agree. On one hand, I wonder if kids will become smarter if they're learning how to use technology at a young age (just saw a video of a kid who was probably like 3 and knew how to use an iPad). On the other, I worry about to what degree smart phones will lead to less human connection, moreso than they already have, and whether things like those Google glasses will invade peoples' privacy.
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March 30, 2013 4:49:07am
    Post: #7 
How old are you people? Then I can classify what your talking about

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March 30, 2013 5:49:18am
    Post: #8 
I hate all these things people can do on a cell phone now days. My brother (still in grade school) doesn't know what its like to go do something with friends the way me and my parents even remember. When he goes to be with friends they sit together texting other people or doing different technology related things, where I remember actually starting a pick up soccer or baseball game in the streets. I remember going with friends on bikes to the other side of town just to hang out with girls or play any other things we could think of. But my brother doesn't seem to have that mentality like most of the newer generations do. Leading back to cell phones, if internet and games and texting were not availible then he would have so much fun in life and the U.S. would not have an obesity problem. Granted these things are useful (to the average ADULT for which they were meant, but even my older siblings are addicted to these things. I am glad to say I use my cell phone for less than 130 minutes a month and use a TRAC Phone. Not a smart phone.

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March 30, 2013 8:42:23am
    Post: #9 
I have an aunt, everytime I see her, she's always on her Iphone,texting, on Facebook, doing something with it. Its like she can never leave it alone :P

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March 30, 2013 9:09:13am
    Post: #10 
I sold my phone a some time ago because i thought i didn't need it,but i really need one now... xD
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March 30, 2013 2:00:40pm
    Post: #11 
I have a phone but, I have honestly never used it.

Don't see the point in sending random texts to others.
I would only use it if I were to actually make a useful call.
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March 30, 2013 2:04:03pm
    Post: #12 
While cell phones are great if you're stuck in the middle of nowhere or in danger and such, I do agree that everyone being on them all the time is really getting out of hand. I've seen little kids with cell phones and I mean little as in 4-5 year olds. What could a child that young need to call people all day for? I've seen tons of people driving with no hands using a cell phone and steering with their knee! It's like they want to be even more impaired than a drunk driver.

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March 30, 2013 2:25:39pm
    Post: #13 
Technology is kinda like drugs -- addictive. But technology is supposed to be useful.

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March 30, 2013 8:32:44pm
    Post: #14 
Well thats their choice to be idiots not watching where they're going.

Honestly, reputationn shows nothing for a player. You could have high reputation and be themost mean spririted person on creed or the otheer way around.
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March 30, 2013 11:56:23pm
    Post: #15 
Thank you! At least some people agree with me. And it only proves my point about cell phones going out of control when little kids are using them all the time. I feel bad for them. That's one less thing in life that they won't get to look forward to after getting one at such a young age. And if any of you are wondering, I myself don't have a cell phone. And I don't want one until I really need it.

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