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Creed Contest #3
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Creed Contest #3
April 22, 2017 9:51:01am (This post was last modified: April 26, 2017 1:04:46pm by tanmay541091.)
    Post: #1 
Creed Contest #3
Hey Fellow noobs :D

I guess that you have seen the previous thread,
(Creed Contest #2) and what this is all about :3
So we're gonna have multiple contests with a variety of prizes, and this is the third one.
Please let me know what you would like in the future contests.

1)There's no need of registration for this contest.
2)Only one participant per IP, it could result in you getting banned from entering future contests.
3)There are 10 questions that you have to answer.
4)Send me the answers through a pm with the subject Contest Answers.
5)You need not answer all questions,as none of them are compulsory.
6)Some questions carry one point,while some of them carry more than one point.
7)Prizes will be sent through a trade, according to the score rankings.
8)There are 17 points in total, and there will be some extra prizes too.
9)Discussion of answers is not allowed unless the winners have been declared.
If I find you discussing,you wont get any prizes.

Also,note that lack of a subject will result in your answer being void.

1) On whose idea was the Blissey Tower added to the game? (1pt)
2) What is the effect of the item Beer on a pokemon in Pokemon Creed? (2 pts)
3) Apart from the Safari Zone, which map did Da Man plan to add an Easter Egg to? (2 pts)
4) How much cash can you obtain for the item Comet Shard from the Enthusiast? (1 pt)
5) What are the chances of getting a ShinyRayquaza from the Gamescorner? (1 pt)
6) Name one TM which was previously added to the game but doesn't exist now. (2 pt)
7) What are the requirements to smelt a Mithril Ore? (2 pt)
8) What is the character limit of your username? (1 pt)
9) Name 4 deleted minigames. (4 pts)
10) Name one user who has a 15+ 5050 Win Streak. (1 pt)

Thank Noblevillain for this contest, and not me.
The answers to all these questions can be found out by anyone, so no one has an upper hand here.

You have a week for participating in the contest. Winners will be declared on Saturday.
Also, there are special prizes if someone finds out flaws in the questions, if any.

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April 22, 2017 2:04:03pm
    Post: #2 
Real hard lol !!

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April 23, 2017 5:08:47am
    Post: #3 
Lol, all historical questions..
Thx for contest tho
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April 29, 2017 10:50:08am (This post was last modified: April 29, 2017 11:15:44am by tanmay541091.)
    Post: #4 
Creed Contest #3
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Congratulations to everyone :D
The prizes have been sent.
This one was pretty tough, but almost all the answers could be found in the forums :p

So, here are the right answers to the questions:
1) Pa1n was the guy behind the idea of Blissey Tower.
Idk why people said hotnick69, but what I found was this.
And rip those newbies who said EliteBOY and Dualot.

2) Beer boosts the attack of a pokemon by 20% for an hour.
I found this here, while going through a bunch of old updates.
One point was held for the effect, and one point for the percentage.
A moment of silence for all those who just said the former.
Surprisingly, no one got this one wrong, atleast everyone got 1 point for it.
I guess beer is essential o.o

3) The map was Time Forest.
I found it from one of Da Man's update threads, however
I have no idea when he planned to, maybe soon.
Sorry for all those guesses others made.

4) Well the Enthusiast offers $5m for a comet shard.
Well I had pretty good answers, ranging from coins to Billions of cash.

5) The chance of getting a ShinyRayquaza is 1/30.
Well there are a lot of forum threads about it, the main one being this.
All except one guy got this one correct, so rip that fellow.

6) The deleted TM is TM36- Self Destruct.
I found this thread about it being added to the game, however there's no mention of it being deleted from the game anywhere in the further updates.
Hue hue, I got pretty amazing answers for this one, Mimic,flamethrower and what not o.o
(I don't mean to make fun of you, just saying they were bad guesses, like real bad guesses.)

7) The requirement for smelting a Mithril ore is a Crafting Level of 100.
All other requirements are for getting there, or using the furnace.
I had a reference for this one,but unfortunately lost it when I cleared my notepad :/

8) The character limit is 20, because we have users having 20 characters in their usernames.
I don't know why but many people wrote 16 on this one.
To be honest,it wasn't so hard.

9) The four deleted minigames and their references are: Smallest Number,Impossible Game,Secret Santa, Deal or No Deal.
There aren't any other minigames that were ever added to Creed.
So idk why people said Battleship and Collection Contest.

10) There's a lot of users, these are the ones whom people posted in their answers:

Well it would've been harder if I asked 20+ o.o
One more question which all but one got correct.

I planned it this way, tough questions, less people, less prizes to be given off. Nah jk, I don't really think there'll be a fourth one soon, so that's why I made this one tough.
Anyways, I wanted to tell you that a few people were seen discussing answers in the chat, so what I did was add one point to everyone else as a 'Fair Play' point.
And I updated the rules right after that. -_-

Thanks Warrior99xd for helping me out with the prizes and special thanks to Im Challenger for helping me manage the data
You can view the spreadsheet document by clicking here.
Thanks guys for participating and allowing me to go this for y'all :)

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April 30, 2017 3:55:19am
    Post: #5 
Thank you for the contest, Tanmay. This was very difficult, as you intended. I still had fun with it even thought it clashed with my finals. That is why most of my questions had no answers; I did not have enough time to look them all up. The historical angle of the questions was interesting, though. :)
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April 30, 2017 5:28:44am
    Post: #6 
Well, actually you has enough time,a week is longer than enough tbh.
And thanks for your opinion :)

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April 30, 2017 2:27:31pm
    Post: #7 
Thanks for the contest! :)

It was challenging to find the answer for those questions

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May 01, 2017 12:28:59pm
    Post: #8 
Indeed they were challenging xD
Anyways thanks for the review :)

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