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Should smoking be banned?
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Should smoking be banned?
January 26, 2013 4:33:57pm (This post was last modified: February 02, 2013 11:34:28am by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Should smoking be banned?
Law is supposed to protect us and restrict us from harm, not turn a blind eye.

Smoking damages our health, contributes pressure on the NHS (I'm not saying smokers don't deserve health treatment, IMO everyone deserves treatment no matter who they are). But, thing is, if smoking was illegal, NHS can invest more into current patients giving them a better standard of living and making organs more widely available.

Except for maybe taxes? Does it really help the economy?
Well... If you think about it, people who smoke will lose out. Wasted work-force manufacturing cigarettes when they could be producing something else much more useful, for instance: bandages or medicine.

It will help protect smokers from continuing to smoke. Non-smokers may breathe the harmful intoxicants via passive smoking when they are next to people smoking and face the consequences of smoking without directly placing a cigarette in their mouth.

Do you think it should be banned? Is smoking beneficial to society?
What do you think? I believe it will benefit both smokers and non-smokers in the long term.

Some people may argue with me saying it is a violation of human rights and freedom.

Yet, it's killing so many. There must be a borderline between what's freedom and what's harmful.

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January 26, 2013 4:37:00pm
    Post: #2 
Smoking should be banned all is does is get people going drug crazy and spending 10's of thousand of dollars also it kills people

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January 26, 2013 4:37:44pm
    Post: #3 
Smoking... Yes, a suitable topic, in my opinion I should say that it should not be banned, because the people should be free to do what they want, unless and untill they are harming someone else. It is his life and only he can decide wether he wants to quit smoking or not.

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January 26, 2013 4:44:26pm
    Post: #4 
Yeah. It should be banned. It is dangerous to our health especially the ones that can inhale it.
Even though they do advertise that smoking is dangerous to our health. They still do smoking. Also it's a waste of money. It's better to buy food or other things than buying cigarettes.

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January 26, 2013 4:47:44pm
    Post: #5 
Yes Brys18, youre right, it is injurious to health, but you can't just walk up to a person and tell them to stop whatever they are doing, in this case you have to educate people.

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January 26, 2013 4:49:40pm
    Post: #6 
But peace they are hurting other people ever heard of secondhand smoke smokers are harming other people to so it should be banned

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January 26, 2013 4:54:49pm
    Post: #7 
Smoking is a Hazard. It Kills people. But, I feel really sorry for them, they get addicted and cant stop, they can't help themselves.
It kills ur lungs. People do it to look "cool." Smoking is Extremely Dangerous!, It has over 4000 chemicals in just one cigarette.
Smoking turns skin pale, it doesn't give any oxygen to ur lungs and ur skin... I wish smoking would stop, it hurts loved ones.

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January 26, 2013 4:55:44pm
    Post: #8 
No, like I said InfernapeX2, people should be educated, banning means you are taking away their freedom. Just like in China they banned having 2 children in a couple. People are not happy because of this.

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January 26, 2013 6:27:33pm
    Post: #9 
yea like peace said ,but because of smoking more than hundreds of people are dying so it should be stopped

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January 26, 2013 6:56:30pm
    Post: #10 
Well yes and no.Yes because it's killing everyone and the cause of illnesses,deaths,and crimes.No because the U.S.'s profits on it is what gives the U.S. most of it's money and if they stopped the whole nation would be in peril and would owe money.

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January 26, 2013 6:58:32pm
    Post: #11 
smoking shouldn't be banned, cause its a choice if u want to kill yourself slowly then go ahead, yea it cause bad problems but if u think about how would it work if nobody was sick or getting sick, people would be out of work such as doctors are nurses

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January 26, 2013 7:01:24pm
    Post: #12 
wel in my opinion yeah it should be banned all it does is get people sick

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January 26, 2013 7:04:45pm
    Post: #13 
It should be banned. It's killing thousands of people. It only makes someones life shorter then it already is.

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January 26, 2013 7:09:07pm
    Post: #14 
it should be banned, it does not only harm the smokers, it also greatly affects the people around them. it does not take away their freedom, smoking is just a vice.

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January 26, 2013 7:34:36pm
    Post: #15 
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