
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Should smoking be banned?
Should smoking be banned?
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Should smoking be banned?
April 20, 2013 2:27:42pm
    Post: #76 
Yes, Definitely be illegal. I have done some research about this topic and smoking is probably leading cause of death in the U.S. Because smoking has nicotine, 20+ chemicals that are just bad to the body, really addicting, and can really affect the people around you. The Problem is the company that makes cigarettes are targeting young teens so that they can get more money. Another problem is that the cigarettes company pays a group of people, forgot the name but their important people, to prevent smoking advertisement. So little people will be influenced to stop smoking. Also, the people around you will be harmed by 2nd hand smoking. :/ Also an article about a healthy girl who had a dad who smoked and then afterward she suddenly couldnt breath. They later found out that there are clumps of chemicals in the girl's lungs. :'( Smoking should be illegal. There are better ways to release the stress.

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April 20, 2013 2:54:44pm
    Post: #77 
I agree with the banning of smoking... like what many of you said, it is both hazardous not only to the smoker, but also to those around him/her. I've also noticed that a lot of minors are slowly getting hooked into it to, so, they are prone to the dangers of smoking from a very early age. it's just that... stopping it will need a lot of hard work, since there are a lot of factors to consider. But if someone can manage to do it, maybe the rest will slowly follow...
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April 20, 2013 7:39:53pm
    Post: #78 
Well, I don't know about the others, but I do want smoking to be banned, and large fines should be imposed. I think so because I had a relative who was quite dear to me, but died at an early age from lung cancer due to excessive smoking.
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April 21, 2013 12:20:33am
    Post: #79 
First of all, no, smoking shouldn't be banned. America was founded on things like tobacco trade with native americans. The companies that make cigarettes are providing a product just like a computer company provides a product that you don't actually need. No one is forcing a non-smoker to to be in the area of a smoker and even if they were, breathing in second hand smoke actually has 0 studies that link it with anything. The last study that said it did, said this: non-smokers being around smokers get cancer at a rate of about 1/64000 while non-smokes not living around smokers get it about 1/80000. Sounds pretty compelling until you do the actual math, which is about 14 in 1 million getting cancer living around smokers and 12 in 1 million getting cancer while not living around smokers. Read up on statistics, a difference of 2 in every million is irrelevant. If you want to stop smokers, you're only real argument is that smoking makes the air for about 30 feet around you smell bad. Also, you're pretty much just trying to impose your will on others if you're saying smoking should be banned.

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April 21, 2013 12:24:26am
    Post: #80 
i think smoking should be ban because every year 100000 people stop smoking ...... by going to heaven ....

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April 24, 2013 2:26:13am
    Post: #81 
I think it should be banned everywhere, except in houses.
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April 25, 2013 8:31:10pm
    Post: #82 
Smoking truly is an addictive habit that is bad for your health. If we were to ban smoking that would have a prohibitive effect on a lot of people ever starting to smoke. You cannot get addicted to smoking if you never start. We need to ban the sale of tobacco products and then sort of allow the current smoking population some sort of way of legally getting a nicotine alternative.

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April 28, 2013 2:08:40am
    Post: #83 
People should be allowed to smoke electric cigarettes that don't give of tarry smoke.

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April 29, 2013 9:11:28pm
    Post: #84 
I think it should be banned, because one day i was walking around town with a lady, next day i got a call saying she was dead the next day by smoking
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May 15, 2013 1:16:29am
    Post: #85 
Ok, this is a very tricky topic. Many people say it violates humans rights, but, as said before, there is a FINE line between what is freedom and what is harmful. Innocent children die each year because of their parents smoking around them. Thousands, maybe even millions of people die each year from second-hand alone. Smoking is a dangerous thing, which shortens the user's life, and the lives around them. Therefore, I would hope it would be banned.
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May 15, 2013 2:49:24am
    Post: #86 
Here's the thing: I say that it shouldn't be banned. My reasoning is because people have their own free will and that they are the ones that should choose what to do with their lives (plus it helps to pay the government). Underaged smoking, on the other hand, is a different story. Children don't even have their vital organs that the chemicals involved with smoking would destroy fully developed. They wouldn't be able to fully understand the consequences of this type of action.
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May 15, 2013 4:10:11am
    Post: #87 
i think that they need to show how bad is smoking and make the X-smokers tells the smokers how bad it is and need to show some videos to the smokers and i think that every body knows that there is more than 4000 Toxic and chemical substance in the Cigarette.
Cigarettes Well Cause Chronic Diseases For the Rest of your life. Also Smoking Was linked to Lung cancer In 1951.

a good Solutions will be that:
1-they can Ban smoking in Public Areas
2-Rise The Awareness of the Bad effects
3-RIse the Tax's for the pakets

This is my opinion :) and Sorry for the long post

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May 15, 2013 5:16:08am
    Post: #88 
Yes smoking should be permantly banned..! It kills the person who drinks it.. It causes cancer and many more.. It cause diseases who drinks but also who smells it. It should be banned forever and the company or factories who makes it..

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May 15, 2013 8:44:25am
    Post: #89 
Hmm.... Yup, it should be banned, it kills the smoker, and affects their family, it should be banned for the greater good.
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May 15, 2013 9:18:13am
    Post: #90 
yes smoking ought to be ruins people..ii kow many of my dad's friends who smoked and ruined their own lives....example getting infected with a dreadly desease -cancer
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