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Should smoking be banned?
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Should smoking be banned?
February 16, 2013 9:50:42am
    Post: #61 
well i do agre with Evski
it is the persons own choice but
it might not be allowed for under 18
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February 16, 2013 10:42:46am
    Post: #62 
smoking should be banned but i have some problem.
how will the people work in the tobacco industry they will lose job.
which to chose the people to save the the smoking or the people working for there family.

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March 03, 2013 12:36:42pm
    Post: #63 
I stopped smoking 3 months ago.
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March 03, 2013 3:06:04pm
    Post: #64 
In the place that I live in made it illegal to smoke in public. Now whether it has saved lived or reduced smoking is hard to say because it has only been a couple of months. But what I do believe is that the health care system is so violently screwed up that if we were to cut or reduce the percentage of the insurance bill for smokers we could possibly save millions which would seem small for the government do will help little by little.

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March 03, 2013 11:47:33pm
    Post: #65 
It should be banned, you get addicted, spend a lot of money, and get sick with diseases and cancer. Also second hand smoking is a dangerous problem too. Btw, does smoking pollute the air?

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March 04, 2013 12:42:06am
    Post: #66 
I dislike smoking a lot I think it ruins people by hurting thier health and lives. It ruins your lungs as well, and can put your life in serious danger.
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March 17, 2013 5:12:43pm
    Post: #67 
The thing is if smoking was banned, I would think people who are addicted could go crazy without it,and the world would be even more messed up,even more than it is now. >.<
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March 17, 2013 5:34:31pm (This post was last modified: March 17, 2013 5:35:30pm by Xehiros.)
    Post: #68 
Should smoking be banned?
If it was banned people would still find a way to smoke, just because something is illegal doesn't mean people are going stop.

Alcohol kills millions, so does over food consumption, should we ban food, and alcohol too?

No we shouldn't, matter of fact most things in this world will eventually kill us, we all die eventually, some faster than others. People who smoke know the risks, same with those who drink alcohol, buy fast food, drink products containing caffeine, and take drugs, but people consume the following regardless.

The governments will probably never ban smoking, for the large amount of tax they receive off it. No government cares about their people, they only care about lining their own pockets.

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March 17, 2013 5:37:12pm
    Post: #69 
yes whats the point of abusing your lungs For nothing... People need to stop smoking

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March 17, 2013 7:03:25pm
    Post: #70 
i think it should be banned because your basically killing yourself and funny enough we had a debating contest at my school about if smoking should be banned
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March 17, 2013 7:03:49pm
    Post: #71 
i think it should be banned because your basically killing yourself and funny enough we had a debating contest at my school about if smoking should be banned
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March 17, 2013 8:41:33pm
    Post: #72 
I feel like as a human you should be allowed to do anything, besides murder and stuff that extraordinary. But smoking cigarettes is horrible, but lets face it, smoking marijuana isnt that bad because we havent been allowed to put much research on it, but the majority of the research we do have on it is that its not as harmful as the corrupt government tells you it is.

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April 20, 2013 1:16:00am
    Post: #73 
People can choose.It may be a smoker's choice to smoke and destroy their own bodies but free choice cannot be used to justify smoking as the personal liberties of non-smokers who inhale second hand smoke and those whose tax money goes to paying for smokers' treatments are then breached.

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April 20, 2013 1:22:40am (This post was last modified: April 20, 2013 1:28:09am by Moderator mark.)
    Post: #74 
Should smoking be banned?
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April 20, 2013 9:41:17am
    Post: #75 
No it shouldn't. Some people need nicotine to live and cigarettes could be their only way. If you go by the theory that we need to ban things that harm us. Well the world could get messy. Guns shoot bullets, bullets hurt. Some people are allergic to dairy, dairy isn't banned. Basically, we could ban just about everything.

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