
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Should smoking be banned?
Should smoking be banned?
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Should smoking be banned?
February 04, 2013 1:43:03am
    Post: #46 
Idk if its been said but here is what I have got to say! Banning smoking will only cause chaos, look a the illegal drugs people will just sell tobacco on the streets. Look at underage drinking its there but won't ever be stopped! People have there own life if they wanna smoke they know what they are doing to them self. Banning tobacco would also cause riots and so on, smoking de-stresses people, makes you less hungry, and and stunts your growth (i.e gaining weight is harder when smoking) that's why people smoke also to look cool or fit in a group. I am against smoking its a filthy addiction maybe one day people will stop but till then it's just a waiting game! But smoking has been banned in public places and substitutes are there for smokers so its not like the NHS aren't helping. It's just down to the person who smokes whether they stop or not! It shouldn't be banned but I think they should limit where people smoke also try and help them stop just remember what could happen if it was to be banned.

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February 04, 2013 1:52:28am
    Post: #47 
I am a smoker, not for anyone to judge.. but i feel its my stupidity making me smoke, but that is my choice, and it really is no one elses decision to say it should be banned.. age laws are ridiculous,, i find it dumb seeing 13 year olds smoking though, it sickens me, i feel anyone under 18 shouldnt be able to smoke,.. thats wrong in alot of ways, but i feel its my right to smoke..
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February 04, 2013 10:19:09pm
    Post: #48 
I believe smoking is bad to the person who is smoking, but it is the smoker's decision. My parents used to smoke, and I could see them harm themselves, as they were addicted to it. So, in my opinion, it should be banned, but if it is ever going to be banned, it should be done slowly, and worldwide.
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February 11, 2013 10:37:45am
    Post: #49 
smoking should be banned . in some country it is banned like intoxicating drinks . but just and just due to tax . there is above 20% of government's income on these . that is why it is not yet banned . every year about 1000 people leave smoking . how ?? by seeing the note given on them . no , by their death .

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February 11, 2013 12:15:16pm
    Post: #50 
I think smoking should be banned. It has no helpfulness to the U.S. whatsoever. Even if it helps the economy, the people who are saved from death if smoking is banned would be able to do better jobs at work.

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February 11, 2013 4:17:31pm
    Post: #51 
Patrui, there are many countries other than the U.S. There are poor people who feed their children from the money they earn by selling ciggs. If you believe that people should have a religion, then you should not complain about people destroying their own health. However if someone is smoking near you, you could ask them nicely to go away.

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February 11, 2013 6:51:45pm (This post was last modified: February 11, 2013 6:53:02pm by Grovoyle.)
    Post: #52 
Should smoking be banned?
I agree with most of you it should be banned
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February 11, 2013 7:18:30pm
    Post: #53 
I don't think that it should be banned because it is one person's own choice to do it

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February 11, 2013 9:41:56pm
    Post: #54 
Well as a smoker who works pays tax and can buy my own cigs I think that it's all about the lifestyle and paths you choose I'm 18 and I've been smoking from the age of 11 all because I was around with the wrong people (older people who encouraged me) and I ain't going to lie but at the time I felt cool, thus my addiction advanced, I lost people in my family and turned to drugs and the bad way of living crime (moving abit off topic) but anyway that's how I funded my habit and then from to cut a long story straight smoking shouldn't be illegal because there are people out there that have been smoking for Meny years I can garentee I've been smoking longer before some of these people on the game were even born and I can not give up my addiction (moving slyly off topic again) if you can fund your habits who's to tell you how to live your life you only live once

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February 12, 2013 12:09:01pm
    Post: #55 
smoking should be banned also because some people would got influenced like other young people who are not allowed are smoking also because they feel that feed their hunger instead buying foods from stores

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February 12, 2013 12:14:17pm
    Post: #56 
I don't think smoking should be banned i mean it is your own body and what you do with it is up to you. People can also get dangerous surgery which is maybe not even necessary plus if you like smoking you are supposed to be able to do it it would not be fair if you like MacDonalds you suddenly are not allowed to eat it because of the danger to your health

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February 12, 2013 12:17:54pm
    Post: #57 
Good question! But it depends who's point of view your looking from, non-smoker or smoker? I smoke, not cause I want too, but to keep me calm alot of the time, I have a habit of getting stressed alot.
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February 16, 2013 9:21:15am
    Post: #58 
Should smoking be banned? YES!! as it is bad for our health but why still they sell smokes? and it will be addicted to some people.

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February 16, 2013 9:31:33am
    Post: #59 
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February 16, 2013 9:43:55am
    Post: #60 
yes it should be strictly banned and who ever uses it should get strict punishment it is just created to make life shorter.

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