
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Should smoking be banned?
Should smoking be banned?
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Should smoking be banned?
May 30, 2013 11:25:27am
    Post: #106 
If you ban smoking, it's just going to get all the addicts arrested, and it will turn cigarette trade into something similar to the drug trade because too many people smoke and want to smoke for it to just be banned.

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May 30, 2013 10:42:08pm
    Post: #107 
Cigs kill your lungs and probably every other vital organ you have, why do it to yourself
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June 11, 2013 2:28:09pm
    Post: #108 
i dont think smoking should be banned, it only damages the smoker and those around the smoker, but if those around the smoker moved, then it only damages them, and people should get a choice on what they spend their money on and do,some people calm their nerves by chewing their nails or moving a body part or having twitches, and some smoke, it is a personal choice and should not be banned just because there are a few people who wont increase there distance from a smoker because they dont want to
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June 11, 2013 2:49:27pm
    Post: #109 
Smoking shouldn't be banned if Anderson doesn't want to he won't if he does then he did its a life choice so let the smokers live their lives how they want
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June 11, 2013 5:08:17pm
    Post: #110 
Yes smoking should be banned i dont like the smell of it gets me a headache.
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June 11, 2013 7:11:37pm
    Post: #111 
It should be banned everywhere. Someone in my school was smoking and got expelled- they were 14. The laws don't protect us from anything. Second hand-smoke still hurts non-smokers and it's not fair. Both my grandparents died from cancer and they smoked all their life. All it does us hurt people.
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June 11, 2013 7:48:12pm
    Post: #112 
Yes, it needs to be banned.

People just do it just cause they think its cool, or they are just nervous as hell. People get too addicted.

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June 11, 2013 11:45:14pm
    Post: #113 
Smoking is bad. But the best time too ban it was when it was first introduced. If they ban it now people would be smuggling cigarettes or into the country and crime rates could go up. Which is why I think their not banning them in the first place.
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June 12, 2013 12:27:35am
    Post: #114 
It should be banned because some peole are heavy smokers and if you are a heavy smoker you could die

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June 13, 2013 4:18:04pm
    Post: #115 
it should be! Its vile
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June 13, 2013 4:25:44pm
    Post: #116 
it should be! Its vile and smells disgusting xx
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June 13, 2013 5:26:08pm
    Post: #117 
my grandma and grandpa smoked until my grandma died mt grandpa never smoked again. so yes it should be ban

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June 13, 2013 5:26:46pm
    Post: #118 
my grandma and grandpa smoked until my grandma died mt grandpa never smoked again. so yes it should be ban

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June 14, 2013 2:26:35am
    Post: #119 
Yes, i think smoking should be banned because all it does is give people tons of health problems. It has no benefit to society at all. The world would be a better place without it.
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June 14, 2013 3:51:52am
    Post: #120 
You people don't realize that heavy smokers that just stop smoking can hurt and cause health problems too. They have to ease off the smoking before they just stop.

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