
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Should smoking be banned?
Should smoking be banned?
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Should smoking be banned?
January 26, 2013 7:37:36pm
    Post: #16 
I think it should be a choice. If no, then you save money. If yes, then you use lots of money and pretty much kill yourself. My dad died of cancer 6 years ago because of smoking. :'(

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January 26, 2013 7:39:31pm
    Post: #17 
i dont think so because it actually stimulates the economy- cigarettes and marijuana,etc- banning them would cause another prohibition- atleast in the United States. and smoking actually is a good stress reliever.

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me deal with it....steez
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January 26, 2013 7:42:44pm
    Post: #18 
first:I think this is not the right place for that thema.This is a forum for the game and not for all ****(sry for this word),
but smoking is a seriously thema, no wonder.
But the many Forums in the Internet where you can post this.

second: Yes I am want too that smoking is banned!
The mother of a friend died from cancer and she smoked often.
But isnt it the decision of the smoker?

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January 26, 2013 9:46:26pm
    Post: #19 
the only reason it should be banned is because of second hand smoking, innocent people dying from the people around them

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January 26, 2013 9:49:21pm
    Post: #20 
I think smoking should be banned since it is a polluting and stinky habit. It annoys me especially. I don't know how some people like smoking.
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January 26, 2013 9:50:31pm
    Post: #21 
@Anarchy people do it because "it looks cool" which is completely ****ed

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January 26, 2013 10:00:33pm (This post was last modified: January 26, 2013 10:01:51pm by OnionKnight.)
    Post: #22 
Should smoking be banned?
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January 26, 2013 10:05:45pm
    Post: #23 
I don't think smoking should be banned to me. I am one of the millions who does smoke and I have to say, I try my hardest to not bother people who do not smoke. I walk a different way or try to get far away as possible just so they don't have to breathe in the harmful toxins. If they were to think about banning smoking, I think they should start with certain places that you can't smoke. A long time ago, smoking was allowed in the most obnoxious places like hospital waiting rooms and such and that's just silly. I think if they cracked down on where you could smoke instead of just completely banning it, then it'd make it much more easier for people who do and do not smoke.

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Thanks Katiesoar
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January 26, 2013 10:53:40pm
    Post: #24 
it should be banned and they probably would have banned it if it wasnt for how much money is made from people buying smokes
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January 26, 2013 11:11:19pm
    Post: #25 
I smoke everyday, and when I smoke I do it when I am by myself or friends who smoke. I don't plan on living forever and it is a stress reliever to me having 2 kids to take care of and a wife to support on my own. It shouldn't be banned. People just need to be more respectful to others who don't smoke and stay away from them to prevent giving secondhand smoke. There are way more problems like drinking, drugs, etc that should be taken care of. Nobody gets in trouble for smoking cigarettes and there are way more health issues. It's like saying we should ban all fast food restaurants because they are making the population obese and that is unhealthy as well. There is no way that all of the health issues on this planet will ever be fixed. Everyone just has to be more aware of others safety and take care of themselves because no problems are going to be fixed. Everybody will always have a choice to do what they want.

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January 26, 2013 11:13:34pm
    Post: #26 
Yes it shiuld be banned
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January 27, 2013 2:42:47am
    Post: #27 
January 26, 2013 4:50:31pm173106 Wrote:  @Anarchy people do it because "it looks cool" which is completely ****ed

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January 27, 2013 4:06:08am
    Post: #28 
I've been complaining about this for 3 years (in my own house of course XD) and so I seriously want smoking to be banned
So these are the bad results if you smoke: health, shorter life than you would had if you never smoke, waste of money, harmful to the environment, and causing people around you to die because of your smoking habit. ._.
I heard it affects your brain too or something like that? (I'm not so sure about this)

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January 27, 2013 4:28:20am
    Post: #29 
@Arvindr, Why shoould smoking be banned? How would you feel if something you like was taken away from your life? Clearly it is a bad habit.. But banning won't reduce the smoking rate. Obsessive smokers, in the end, will find a way to get cigars...

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January 27, 2013 4:30:15am (This post was last modified: January 27, 2013 4:31:36am by kyogy.)
    Post: #30 
Should smoking be banned?
If only cigarettes were never invented. Could have saved tons of people v.v

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