
Pokemon Creed Forums < Dratini's Deep Discussion < Should smoking be banned?
Should smoking be banned?
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Should smoking be banned?
January 27, 2013 4:35:45am
    Post: #31 
yeah it should be relative died cause of smoking... i hate smoking....

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January 27, 2013 8:40:26am
    Post: #32 
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January 27, 2013 8:42:40am
    Post: #33 
NO Smoking!

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January 27, 2013 2:56:46pm
    Post: #34 
Yes smoking should be banned.

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January 27, 2013 3:41:31pm
    Post: #35 
If smoking was banned i believe there would be even more crime of people trying to obtain tobacco. I don't think it should be banned just smoked at the persons choice. In my opinion is wrong.
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January 27, 2013 3:45:18pm
    Post: #36 
i dont think it should people have the right what they want to do to their bodies, and if that something is harmful then it their choice they put it in. if you dont want to smoke dont do it then
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January 29, 2013 1:28:42am
    Post: #37 
Depends on what you are banning people from smoking if you know what I mean? Just kidding ha ha. I do not think you should ban smoking because if people are dumb enough to destroy their own body then so be it. Survival of the fittest. Smoke and you subtract something like ten to twenty years on average from your life I would guess.

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January 29, 2013 8:27:05am
    Post: #38 
You forget that America tried to ban smoking in the past before. They also tried to ban alcohol, to no avail. The truth is, people will continue to do something that helps "Take the edge off" or do something just to "Look cool". Yes smoking is bad for your health. Yes it causes unwanted problems that are unnecessary to other people and harmful to others. But that doesn't mean that people will stop just because of that. Sure some people will, but the fact is that people simply do not care anymore. Most people who smoke know the risks of smoking beforehand, but yet they do it anyway. Same with people who drink, or people who do drugs. People will continue to make their own choices, regardless of the consequences. So, if idiots want to smoke, I say let them. That just means that there's one less idiot in the world to worry about.

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January 30, 2013 9:22:35am
    Post: #39 
On my country they just increase the amount of money needed to pay on cigarettes ... to lessen the buyers
cause preventing this cigarette is hard

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January 30, 2013 9:35:38am
    Post: #40 
its a bad habit yes... but no need to ban
if you can ban one addiction, why not ban all why your at it
i smoke... and i would go crazy without them...


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January 31, 2013 12:48:54pm
    Post: #41 
the thing is if you ban smoking they will just get it from somewhere else no matter what you do illegle or legle

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February 01, 2013 6:50:36am
    Post: #42 
yeah i agree,smoking must be banned
becuz my late uncle smoked alot and he died due to throat cancer ;(
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February 03, 2013 8:04:48pm
    Post: #43 
There is no way that it will be banned. Even if there were to be a poll to decide I am sure there are more smokers in the world than non smokers and many of the non smokers wouldn't worry about it because they'd rather vote for other stupid things.

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February 04, 2013 12:37:24am
    Post: #44 
yes but not medicnal its a pain killer but not anymore they have pain killers now thats not pot

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February 04, 2013 1:03:07am
    Post: #45 
You have no idea how much I want to say yes. But...

Wars can be caused of this. Drunkards might throw a fit... I think the use of smoking shouldn't be banned, but restricted... such as once per week/month. Overuse will cause jailing, etc.

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