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My hill (Re-Made)
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My hill (Re-Made)
May 20, 2011 10:54:25am
    Post: #151 
I'll be your partner. :P
I team up with playboy and set up giant mousetraps and an air minefield around The Hill.
Our Hill. :3
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May 20, 2011 1:43:12pm
    Post: #152 
You set them too close together! I pick up a rock and toss it into one of the mousetraps, setting off a chain reaction that sets off every mousetrap afterward. As the mousetraps trigger, the mines go off and leave a mass of scorched earth. Now, with no mousetraps or Minefield, I walk over to the two of you and use my Mega Buster (MMX! WHOOT!) and fire, blasting Kayne and Playboy off to the distant planet of Kriluk!

codebreaker's and My hill.

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May 20, 2011 2:11:38pm
    Post: #153 
I get into the cannon and fire myself back to the base of The Hill, I prepare to raid The Hill using all the items I collected...until I see Crazy on the top. D:
Oh well, I'll have to use them to defend instead. I stand with Crazy on top of our Hill.
Btw, two things; 1)Since when are we on teams? 2)What do you think Sergio will do when he sees this? xD
But for now at least...
Crazy's and codebreaker's Hill.

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Both made by joeysparky234, thanks nub!
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May 20, 2011 3:10:58pm (This post was last modified: May 20, 2011 3:15:48pm by playboy.)
    Post: #154 
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May 20, 2011 7:18:02pm
    Post: #155 
It looks like my evil plan is unfolding...I stab playboy in the back and show that I am actually codebreaker473's clone . >:D
Muhuhuha. I bring Crazy and codebreaker back to The Hill and run around in circles.
Crazy's, Code's and My Hill(Technically I am code, but whatever.).
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May 21, 2011 8:32:27pm
    Post: #156 
Nobody has tried to retake The Hill for some time now...:/
So, to try and get the retaking action back, I break my truce with Crazy and chain him onto a Boeing 747 heading to Australia. :D
I then await Crazy's return atop The Hill.
My Hill. >:D

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Both made by joeysparky234, thanks nub!
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May 21, 2011 10:42:08pm
    Post: #157 
Luckily, the wallabies are good friends of mine, Mate. I have them get me onto the next plane BACK to the hill. Fortunately, it's with a NATO bombing squadron with a C-130 transport. The bombers unleash their massive payload on top of where you stand, reverting the area into a nice sized crater. As the smoke clears, I casually unstrap my parachute as I land on top of

My Hill ^_^

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May 23, 2011 8:40:18am
    Post: #158 
I bombard you with Banana Bombs and Holy Bombs, until your health counter goes down to 0 and you explode.
I then set up Sentry Guns and Mines around The Hill. Worms ftw. =D
My Hill.

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Both made by joeysparky234, thanks nub!
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May 23, 2011 4:57:53pm
    Post: #159 
Oh. you DARE bring the Worms into this war? I use supersheep to get past your defenses and demolish the perimeter weapons. I then yell "BUNGIE!!!!" As I drop into the area you stand. Upon landing, I brutally beat you with an ax. Now short a head, I cast your body off the hill into the lake at the bottom of

My Hill.

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signature made by iHaZe z HD

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Signature image by Katiesoar
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May 24, 2011 9:38:35am
    Post: #160 
I'm all out of ideas for retakes. D:
I never thought it would happen...but you've defeated me...wait a second...what's this button do? *Pushes button*
*Watches Crazy get catapulted from The Hill and into a black hole* Heh...I should have done that before.
Wait, how is this possible if I don't have a head? Eh, better to not question it.
My Hill. :D
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May 24, 2011 5:51:58pm
    Post: #161 
I use the awesome power of ctrl X and ctrl V to cut myself out of the trajectory of the black hole and paste myself back on the hill. Now ROYALLY PISSED, I punch the catapult to splinters and use Kah-Mae-Ha-Mae-Ha to send you hurdling into orbit so that you may be helpless to watch me reclaim

My Hill.

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signature made by iHaZe z HD

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May 25, 2011 9:40:35am
    Post: #162 
In orbit I come across a small metal container, which I open. Inside is a mushroom seemingly made of metal, and a small paper note. I read the note which instructs me to eat the strange metal mushroom. Which I proceed to do. I then watch in amazement as my arm turns to metal, along with my hand and then the rest of my body.
Suddenly Earth's gravity starts to pull me towards it, and before I realize it I'm falling through the atmosphere, heading straight for The Hill.
I crash right on top of Crazy, who was asleep. Crazy's body became as flat as a piece of paper, so I put it into a shredder and then into a recycling bin.
My Hill.

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Both made by joeysparky234, thanks nub!
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May 25, 2011 2:27:44pm
    Post: #163 
I bomb-braded the whole hill with cannons,used a pin and prickeled code,he went down the hill to get a bandage,then i pushed him into a pit,and appionted 1000 gaurds to defend itand put pits and bombs in the whole hill,and I claim

My Hill

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Dragon ball z

Isn't Goku cooler than Antarctica ?
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May 25, 2011 4:15:07pm
    Post: #164 
I get my Mudkip to use Blue Flare on you, so you and your bombs fly off into the distance. I then relax on top of...
my hill
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May 25, 2011 6:51:38pm (This post was last modified: May 25, 2011 6:56:33pm by crazyguylink.)
    Post: #165 
I take my doctors advice and pull myself together (literally) and decide the next course of action.
Mudkip? I LIEK MUDKIP!!! I grab my frying pan and your poor mudkip runs for it's life in order to avoid becoming lunch. You run off after it, not sure you can handle taking on a starving Crazyguylink. I watch as you flee and I sit atop

My hill...

MP and HP fully restored...
But you're still hungry.

(20 coins for the first person who can place the game to the end quote)

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